A Week in the Life of - Socks the Syrian Hamster

I'm impressed - I am hopeless at growing things in pots.
Sounds like a lovely start to Sunday for you & Socks, the bum print was very sweet!
The window box project looks as though it’s off to a good start, lovely little apple tree shoot, it’s always amazing to see something like that & know it can become a tree!
Good luck with the bonsai, that’s one of the few types of plant thing I’ve never tried.
It is definitely amazing that such a little green shoot could become an Apple tree. Did you plant an Apple pip?
Yes, I picked a crab apple, unusually sweet and tasty, so I kept the pip in moist tissue in the fridge all winter. It sprouted and has emerged as a new little tree! When it grows more roots, I'll look up bonsai, or just small container plants, and see if I can trim the roots and growth points to keep it window box sized. Apple trees need to grow outdoors and get cold in winter, so I'm not sure how well I will manage the sizing 🤞
It has been lovely following this week about Socks and your garden and plant plans.

My H has been a long time bonsai grower and we have a few in their shallow trays now that are very mature.
I have only watched! But can say that with watering the pots as they do dry out being so shallow and then with the trimming he does with big scissors every now and then, they seem like low maintenance but very rewarding long term. So good luck when you go ahead.
I just popped outside to take a couple of photos even though things hardly look their best right now!


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