
Lol. Maybe when he's not looking, you could put a bit of the old bedding from his breeder into the multiroom house in the darkest, biggest room, and a bit of cucumber in there as well and a trail of sunflower seeds leading up to, and just inside the entrance. And it might tempt him to move in there tonight. Plus a pile of new nesting material next to the house entrance and a handful of hamster food inside the house!
Lol. Maybe when he's not looking, you could put a bit of the old bedding from his breeder into the multiroom house in the darkest, biggest room, and a bit of cucumber in there as well and a trail of sunflower seeds leading up to, and just inside the entrance. And it might tempt him to move in there tonight. Plus a pile of new nesting material next to the house entrance and a handful of hamster food inside the house!
Thanks for the suggestion, Maz.
I will try it, hopefully he will move there.

Dumbo enjoy his soybean stalk


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Aw those are lovely :-) Tino has one and he likes sitting in it too. The teracotta/clay will be cooling. He looks so sweet in there.
Aw those are lovely :-) Tino has one and he likes sitting in it too. The teracotta/clay will be cooling. He looks so sweet in there.
Yeah the castle's feature really good for summer. The ice pack is on emergency in case if the summer is hit certain degree. Does Tino also love to sleep there?
That teracotta castle has a lift off top for putting a cooling pack between the top of the hide and the top part as well :-) Is that what you meant by an ice pack?
That teracotta castle has a lift off top for putting a cooling pack between the top of the hide and the top part as well :-) Is that what you meant by an ice pack?
Thats what i mean, Maz
Today Dumbo is doing some mission impossible challenge.

First Step from Dumbo 20240818_192858.jpg
Look over the surrounding area, dont make a fuss that catch an attention.

Step 2 : slowly but sure, climb the castle by squished the body in the hole between castle and wall.

TADA! Mission accomplished! I reach the top of castle, but dont know how to get down. So my owner offer me a magic carpet and get worried if i suddenly jump out from the top to the bottom.


PS : im not the one who put him out there. He did it by himself and i took a photo of him to let his mom know what Dumbo did before put him down 🤣
Very agile! But I'm glad the magic carpet saw you and you came down safely ❤️ What a cute face, looking to see who's around 🥰
Today, Dumbo had a schedule for weighing scale. He still active as ever and the fur is grown a lot, he looks big however when scaling Dumbo seems a bit underweight. For 3 months old he just reached 55 grams, should i concern about this? Should i made him fatter?. The bonding seems a bit hard same as Tako and until now he still not gave any sign for freeroam. He just love eats and sleep, plays wheel when nobody around.
Are you sure it's 55g? I don't think Syrians come that small! That would be the size of a large dwarf hamster which is much smaller. Raffy was absolutely tiny when he came to me and he weighed 97g which is very small for a Syrian.

Dumbo doesn't look underweight. Do you know how old he is? If he's less than 6 weeks old he might weigh less but I would maybe try some different scales if possible.
Are you sure it's 55g? I don't think Syrians come that small! That would be the size of a large dwarf hamster which is much smaller. Raffy was absolutely tiny when he came to me and he weighed 97g which is very small for a Syrian.

Dumbo doesn't look underweight. Do you know how old he is? If he's less than 6 weeks old he might weigh less but I would maybe try some different scales if possible.
Im double check the weight with scaling him twice, it is still 55 grams. I will try to buy another scale, incase the scale machine not accurate. He is 3 months old, Thats why im a bit concern about him, i tried to bulk him up a bit by giving an extra protein 3x a week.
I don't think the scale can be right if he's 3 months old :-) The Syrian weight range is usually between 100g and 300g. He doesn't look undersized or undernourished to me. I use these flatbed digital scales. They're not too expensive and accurate unless the battery is going down! They make it easy as well as you just put a treat like cucumber in the middle, then zero the scales so the cucumber weight is discounted, and the hamster just walks on and sits eating the treat while you read the scales.


He looks perfectly healthy to me :-)