Dusty the Robo dwarf hamster.

Syrian males usually sleep all day and come out late night but it does vary a lot with individual hamsters. It's lovely to see Dusty having his zoomies and being so sociable. He's turned out to be a great pet!
Syrian males usually sleep all day and come out late night but it does vary a lot with individual hamsters. It's lovely to see Dusty having his zoomies and being so sociable. He's turned out to be a great pet!
Yes he has, I get more interaction from him than I do from my two gerbils.
I was thinking about Dusty the past couple days and am so glad to see more videos of him! He is the friendliest robo I have ever seen, and an absolute treasure :love:
It is so special that you can handle him :-)
It is so special that you can handle him :)
Thanks, I guess it is....I went into this not knowing anything about Robo hamsters, so I didn't know they were a breed that didn't like to be handled. I just thought if I was slow enough and he wanted what was in my hand it would be fine. :) With what I am learning about Robos I guess he is rather a special Robo.
Another Dusty video. This time I got my phone, which I should have turned to landscape to keep up with him better....and there are some moments I am more concerned he didn't jump out of his cage and I don't get him fully into the picture. But all in all a cute video of Dusty having a romp in his cage this afternoon.
It's amazing how lovely and tame he is :-) You've done a grand job there. He is nearly out of the cage so many times! I hope there's a big cushion on the floor :ROFLMAO: He maybe does want to come out for a change of scene possibly. I can't remember whether you said it was possible to set a playpen area up or not.
Dusty is the calmest and friendliest Robo I have ever seen, this is so heartwarming!!! Does he go on adventures now?
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It's amazing how lovely and tame he is :-) You've done a grand job there. He is nearly out of the cage so many times! I hope there's a big cushion on the floor :ROFLMAO: He maybe does want to come out for a change of scene possibly. I can't remember whether you said it was possible to set a playpen area up or not.
Thanks, Maz, I am working on getting what I need to set up a playpen for him. Mostly thinking about what could be a shared playpen between Dusty and the gerbils.....separate times of course.....never together. I would love to set up a card table (because it is hard for me to get on to the floor.) with some sort of playpen on a card table for Dusty to play in with interactive items. However, I don't know what I can put onto that card table for the playpen. I don't think I would need any tube/bridge from his home to the playpen as I would have it right next to his home and I could easily move him from one to the other since he goes to my hands readily. I have looked at the Hexagon shaped fabric playpens. Not loving them but would probably due for a supervised play time. I have personally never seen Dusty chew on anything and I have many things for him to chew on in his home. So I don't know if he would try to chew on a playpen of that type.
Then I have been looking at the plastic panel enclosures that you build into any shape you like. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Or for Dusty I could go with a large plastic tub on the card table. It wouldn't be as much room, but he is small. I don't know if he could climb in one of those expandable tubes to go from his home to the playpen. I know the gerbils could, they need a tube since they are not as tame. But I don't know about Dusty's ability to climb up one of those tubes.
So that is where I am at.....trying to decide which way to go. And advice is appreciated!!
I love the way that Dusty keeps coming to your hand. He is so tame!
Thank you so much! I had no knowledge about hamsters when I got him. I had not idea Robos were not really that friendly. This forum has taught me everything I know about Dusty and I so appreciate it as information online is not always the best. I had no idea Dusty may not be able to be tame. I just did what I would have done with any hamster. But it was the information here that helped so much, like leaving him alone in his new home for about a month before trying to tame him. I would have started right away, but I didn't, I waited and I think that made a big difference. Maz was a tremendous help with information on Robos. Thanks again!
Congratulations on being joint winner in the photo competition :-) Dusty is adorable. It's tricky isn't it, working something out. I did have a playpen at floor level and would sit on a chair next to it and bend forwards, but that might not work for you. I imagine some sort of enclosure on top of a low table would work. With my robo I had a very large cardboard box!
Congratulations on being joint winner in the photo competition :-) Dusty is adorable. It's tricky isn't it, working something out. I did have a playpen at floor level and would sit on a chair next to it and bend forwards, but that might not work for you. I imagine some sort of enclosure on top of a low table would work. With my robo I had a very large cardboard box!
Oh wow, Dusty was a joint winner!!! I had on idea....thanks for letting me know. And thanks for the suggestions on the playpen ideas. I will send photos when I have whatever I decide all set up. :)
The Songmics play pen is good. It does have gaps between the panels, but you could put a fleece or as picnic blanket into it to line it. The sides are about 40cm high and might just be scale-able, so supervision and making the room escape proof are good. I have a grass tunnel and used to use a cereal box for Socks and he loved to stamp around in it. The concertina style tunnels address handy as you can fold them up for storage. Socks likes to race along the tunnels and you can combine them and bend them to make a nice circuit. Socks is fast (when he feels like it) but a Robo would be really speedy. You might be able to get transparent tunnels, which would be great fun!
Actually yes, robos have escaped from the song mix type playpens through the gaps! A large storage box might do it. Not too high but not too low. The only thing is that if it’s not large enough they can not find it very satisfying or enjoyable. I think it’s about space to run around. (While still having things to dive under).