
That's a lovely little video! Now you see me now you don't :ROFLMAO: He's like a little jack in a box! Popping up and down. Very sweet when he took the treat from you.
That’s so sweet, Henry’s so alert & curious, you can almost see him thinking “What’s that delicious smell, why haven’t I got any!” 😍
That’s so sweet, Henry’s so alert & curious, you can almost see him thinking “What’s that delicious smell, why haven’t I got any!” 😍

I'm going to try giving him a tiny version today and see if he likes it. I have the ingredients to make a hamster safe wrap (mostly cream cheese & sweet almond flour), and will fill it with chicken, bacon, and cheese.

He deserves a special treat, we did an adventure last night but he was so eager to get out of the taxi at the end he did a little somersault onto his sand bath.
Aww, I love the way he is looking at you. Maybe he is asking for a particular treat he enjoys. :)

You guessed part of it, he definitely asked for a pumpkin seed tonight! He was up and hung out for a long time at his breakfast. It's normally a 2 minute interaction, but he was all over me and out for a good 10 minutes. I tried giving him dried mealworms (which he finally took for the first time, and pouched), but he got nibbly until I gave him a pumpkin seed. It still seems like he's trying to tell me something else, lots of meerkatting and looking at me. Plus he's being talkative, he's usually quiet
You guessed part of it, he definitely asked for a pumpkin seed tonight! He was up and hung out for a long time at his breakfast. It's normally a 2 minute interaction, but he was all over me and out for a good 10 minutes. I tried giving him dried mealworms (which he finally took for the first time, and pouched), but he got nibbly until I gave him a pumpkin seed. It still seems like he's trying to tell me something else, lots of meerkatting and looking at me. Plus he's being talkative, he's usually quiet
How lovely that Henry is talkative and how nice he interacts with you
Breakfast time continues to be super serious business for Henry. He was again in position under the food tray, and made noises to call me over earlier than usual.

He is asking for more of his favorite bits, I realize I've been overfeeding him a bit and he picks out his favorites. Henry is such a sweetie though, I made sure he still had one of his favorite sticks in his bowl.

He seems fully settled in now, and comfortable in his environment.
It’s very easy to give them a few too many of their favourites isn’t it!

Henry really does sound very well settled now, he’s such a sweet & happy little ham.