
I unfortunately spooked him trying to find a place to set my hand down during treat time. There is something there, caught a brief glimpse of it when he was going into his castle. He did scrape his cheek on something, doesn't look too bad though. The skin looks healthy and he's still using the pouch just fine
I'd have thought a scrape would go deeper than the fur. Patches in that area may be from the inside - ie his pouches. Just keep an eye on it.
Nothing unusually sharp that I could find. I did get another look at his cheek today, and it's already half the size that it was. He still seems okay, continues to pouch and unpouch food normally.

Henry decided to sleep above ground today, I was surprised to find him asleep on his back in his favorite corner. He was super eager for treat time, and I missed him asking for pets. I didn't want to spook him again, was super still and slow. He went flat by my hand for a bit after a pumpkin seed, and nibbled me after.

I cleaned his corner since he pees in it, and got a funny reaction when he discovered it. He started kicking around the bedding like a little tantrum. I caught the end of it, he went into his burrow sliding his feets on the smooth bin.

Best Burrow Entry
Usual Treats
Good to hear Henry is ok, it’s a bit of a mystery then.
Love seeing him disappear down into his burrow he always looks so cute & it’s adorable watching him enjoy his treats with you too.
Henry was miffed that I missed him twice during the day, he got out and called for me but work couldn't wait. That said, without fail his face always appears in his castle for food time. Any moving of the food dish summons him, tonight he was already waiting. I also got a clip of him sniffing the camera when he was hoping to say hi

Camera Sniffs
Castle Drive Thru
Do hamsters get bags under their eyes? I'm concerned Henry isn't getting enough sleep. I hate working from home for that reason, as much as I try to stay quiet in my other room he seems to keep waking up during the day. I was in a bad car wreck a few months ago, a cabbie t boned me and I'm without a vehicle for now.

He's always had that regular skin around the bottom of his eye sockets, but they look more pronounced and like the bags humans get from poor sleep. On a good note, his cheek is completely healed. He's still using both pouches just fine.

Tired Henry ?
I am sorry to hear you had a car accident.

I would not think you being home is stopping Henry from sleeping because he can always go into his bedding and sleep. I never feel Sprite is bothered by me being home. He stays sleeping all day.

Great to hear his cheek is looking back to normal. :)
I see what you mean. To me it's that look they have when they've just woken up :) Sort of bleary eyed and eyes not quite open. However dwarf hamsters do sometimes get up during the day. I wouldn't think it's you waking him up as much as him maybe coming out more because someone is around. I'm sure he'll catch up! Had he just woken up?

I am really sorry about the car accident and hope you're ok.
All my Russian hamsters have been day active, getting up & coming out quite a lot during the day, often spending a fair bit of time in the playpen, if they want to sleep they can sleep through a surprising amount of noise so don’t worry about waking him up, I really doubt that’s the case.
I can’t see well enough to tell if there’s anything wrong with his eyes in the video.

Really sorry to hear about your accident.