
That’s really lovely to see, he’s getting so much braver & really learning to trust you now, love the way you interact with him.
He’s such a sweet gentle little guy, it may be slower than you might have hoped for but I can see a great bond developing there.
That’s really lovely to see, he’s getting so much braver & really learning to trust you now, love the way you interact with him.
He’s such a sweet gentle little guy, it may be slower than you might have hoped for but I can see a great bond developing there.

He is indeed a total sweetheart when he interacts! I was originally expecting him to be more energetic and boisterous. I guess Henry does everything 100%, including being a very polite ham.

And yeah, that was absolutely precious when he turned and sat down Rainbow. He has a little bit of Sprite in him there, he likes to get a good look at things.
Lovely videos. Henry is starting to feel confident around you.
Had to laugh at the second video when he was undecided, run to the far corner to think things over and then disappeared down a burrow.
Henry was looking forward to treat time for the first time today, he was up early and even made a few noises. He's such a little sweetheart!

I unfortunately had to become a wheel stealer in his eyes. He built up so much bedding under it even the Niteangel wouldn't turn. Hoping he's not miffed for too long, but worth fixing it.

Total Sweetheart
Seems overnight Henry came up with some new ideas. He decided to build a new burrow so he can slide right under the food.

I'm not sure he will be miffed about the wheel after all, I also loosened it slightly and before he went to bed he was achieving speeds I've never seen. He's loving it, sometimes he's going so fast the wheel appears to spin backwards

New Ideas, New Speeds
Food Slide
Henry seems to have bonded with me, we had a very long interaction tonight. Fixing up the wheel actually added progress, he seems to understand I was helping. He's very intelligent.

He sat on my hand for treats, and stayed long after he was done. He also dumped a bit of his pouched food onto my hand. I'm guessing it was either a gift or "I trust this is safe" sort of deal. He wasn't reshuffling it to fit more in, nor did he flee.

We spent a good bit just relaxing and I chatted with him, he made a few noises. I've never had a hamster hang around and on my hand for so long, a good 15 unbroken minutes.

After I pulled it out, he just sat there in his sand bath for a while and enjoyed my company. Once in a while he would pull out a snack, and near the end he also showed me I need to remove some of the larger grains. He dug and made sure I saw the part he liked. He would look back at me, then roll & dig again.

I think he is going to be ready for his first out of bin time this weekend. I also need to try and detect one pee spot that I can't seem to find. Mild odor coming from his main burrow system.
That’s so good to hear, there’s a really strong bond between you already & Henry is such a sweet calm little man, it’s great to hear how confident he’s become now & how much he’s enjoying your company.
We're definitely bonded, he got up 2 hours early and barked for me to come over for breakfast & treats. He's so adorable, comes running and climbs all over me. He's definitely asking for his first adventure, pawing at the bin and climbed the castle to show me he wants up. Unfortunately I let him down, I took too long and he flumped his face against the bin a couple times in protest. Then he settled on giving me an angry glare.

Tomorrow's his first out of bin time, we'll go to my bedroom if he's willing again. I added a new treat ball & roller toy, he's showing signs of boredom.

Protest, Face?
Angry Henry