
I wonder if hamsters have to fight off snakes who are trying to attack their pups or invade their burrows. Yes, Socks was clinging to the bars, also gazing up at me at 3 am 🥴 He was on his wheel at 5 am though, a slightly more respectable time 😀 so came out for playpen time then.
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Higgins was out tonight. He’s had to wait a while as Tino hogged the playpen a couple of times recently and then I had to wait for a week or so while infectious. I though he needed to be out as his ears have been down the last few times I’ve seen him - but it’s possible he had only just woken up - their ears are down sometimes when they wake up.

He walks into a tube now if it’s offered so he had some time in the playpen but was in a different mood to last time. Last time was when he was very energetic and fighting with my dressing gown belt. This time he was bs j to being cautious again and more interested in trying to chew the carpet where there was a little gap under the playpen.

He also likes his snooze cube but didn’t seem very settled in the playpen so I lifted the snooze cube with him in it onto the sofa with me and he had a couple of strokes and a bit if handling but didn’t particularly want to sit for long. I think he enjoyed a bit of a climb around on the sofa though. Back in the playpen I had put the snooze cube a bit close to the carrot Cottage so he decided to enjoy both at the same time.

Tino was really pestering - in his quiet slow way / to come out after I put Higgins back - he had his stomach up against the bars and was looking at me in a desperate kind of peeved way - so I swapped the playpen contents over and had him in straight afterwards. I’m sure they can smell each other at the edges of the playpen each time and they sniff curiously but don’t seem too bothered.

Here’s Higgins in his snooze cube

Hello gorgeous man