Introducing my gerbils

I'm heartbroken writing this, but Wispa has died too. I found her this evening with the same symptoms Tilly had (minus the severe pain). I took her straight to the vet, who said that she did have some abdominal pain and given the circumstances it was highly likely it was the same illness Tilly had. To save her from severe pain, and because the little treatment they could offer probably wouldn't have worked quickly enough, Wispa was put to sleep. We still don't know what was wrong. I feel awful, like I must have done something wrong, although I can't think what.
Oh Daisy, I am so so sorry. My heart goes out to you. What a terrible shock. You really could not have prevented this. You are a fantastic guardian of your animals and you give them the best care possible.
Oh no! Daisy, that is so awful! Words can't even express how sorry i am to read this.

It must have been some kind of a contagious virus that was totally out of your control. Who knows where these things come from. Not even the vet knows so there's no way that you could have prevented this from happening.

I know, we always look at ourselves first, was it our fault, did we do something wrong while knowing fine that we didn't.

I am so so sorry for your losses.
I've only just seen this and I am so terribly sorry. Please do not say it must be something you have done because you know it isn't. That's just a normal grief reaction. It is just incredibly sad. It was clearly infectious and could have been anything. It could even have been a genetic predisposition (eg a kidney issue would mean susceptibility to kidney infection and if one gets an infection the other can catch it). It is nothing you have done.

They are keeping each other company over the rainbow bridge - but huge hugs for you as you must miss them terribly and it sounds very traumatic. Be kind to yourself x
Oh Daisy, I am so very sorry to read about Tilly and Wispa. It was nothing that you did, I am sure of that.
It does sound like the same infection, and with them being so close it simply passed from one to the other as happens in life. They are together again and pain free. That matters, but you have the pain now so be gentle on yourself.
When the time is right for you, if you want to consider a permanent remembrance to your gorgeous pair, then have a look at the website Pets Remembered. There might be something there for you. I have a couple of items.
Thank you everyone. Wispa's breeder (who has been incredibly kind) thinks it could also be something they ingested. I went through their cage and didn't find anything.

I have my other two gerbils in a different enclosure who are fine so far, but I've removed their hoarded food and bought new food just in case. As well as, of course, washing my hands before touching them or anything in their cage.

At the moment I'm afraid of losing my other gerbils too. I think I will feel better once it's been a couple of weeks and they're still okay. Then I focus on enjoying them again.
Yes it must be a nerve wracking time but you've taken all precautions. It sounded urinary/kidneys really rather than digestive - and these things can spring up out of nowhere. How does anyone get a kidney infection? It can happen even without a uti - but usually if something gets as far as the kidneys without causing a uti. There can also be kidney stones and tumours. So not necessarily something they have eaten and you will have fed them the same as usual - but still good to take precautions.
Sending lots of good vibes for your other gerbils.
Well, yes it is possible for food to get contaminated by accident where it was packed. Like any food.
It would be highly unlikely that rodent food would contain something that is poisonous though.
Good point - there was an awful issue with cat food a while back. I just thought it sounded urinary.
The pink urine may actually have been a red herring. I remembered while emptying the cage that I recently added dried beetroot to their food. That can often cause pink urine. I found some fairly recently peed on bedding which must have been from Wispa, and that was a normal yellow colour.

So the only symptom I know they both had for sure was abdominal pain, which could be from almost any organ really. Unfortunately my vet doesn't do necropsies (I asked). I was hoping they could at least have a brief look inside Wispa's abdomen and see if there was anything obvious but it's not something they offer.
I have been thinking of you Daisy. I can imagine how upset you must be and it is natural to worry about your other pair. It is such a shame your vet could not have found out the cause to put your mind at rest.
The pink urine may actually have been a red herring. I remembered while emptying the cage that I recently added dried beetroot to their food. That can often cause pink urine. I found some fairly recently peed on bedding which must have been from Wispa, and that was a normal yellow colour.

So the only symptom I know they both had for sure was abdominal pain, which could be from almost any organ really. Unfortunately my vet doesn't do necropsies (I asked). I was hoping they could at least have a brief look inside Wispa's abdomen and see if there was anything obvious but it's not something they offer.
oYes beetroot does that. Maybe change food brands to be on the safe side. If it is the food though, people need to know so it is a shame your vet doesn't do autopsies - would they consider sending stomach contents away for analysis to a lab though? Like they send lumps away for biopsies? Sorry if that is a bit grim to mention.
oYes beetroot does that. Maybe change food brands to be on the safe side. If it is the food though, people need to know so it is a shame your vet doesn't do autopsies - would they consider sending stomach contents away for analysis to a lab though? Like they send lumps away for biopsies? Sorry if that is a bit grim to mention.
I don't think so as that would require a necropsy to get the stomach contents.

Because it was the evening when Wispa got ill, I took her to an emergency clinic which provides out-of-hours services for all the veterinary surgeries in the area. I didn't think to ask about a necropsy at the time, but I emailed my usual daytime vet today to ask and the only vet they could suggest who would do it were much too far away.
Difficult. I am sure you would hear about it if it was a food production issue as other gerbils would be affected. It could have been viral as Beryl suggested.
Hi Daisy, I’ve only just read this and am so sorry for your sudden loss of Tilly and Wispa, what a terrible shock for you, your photos above are beautiful. It’s very sad that sometimes things just happen that are completely out of any one’s control. Play well at the Rainbow Bridge beautiful Tilly and Wispa.
My other passion aside from hamsters is gerbils. I got my first gerbils for my 11th birthday. They were 3 males: a white one called Sugar, a black one called Spice and a golden one called Coffee. Spice lived the longest. He died aged about 4.5, and then I wasn't allowed to get any more gerbils until I was 18.

When I was 18 I got back into gerbils, discovered the world of proper gerbil care, and ended up owning Honey, Treacle, Lily, Daisy, Rocket and Storm.

Now I have my current four (who live in two pairs):

Tilly (darker) and Wispa (lighter)

Astra (grey) and Twiglet (brown)

They all have different personalities. Tilly is very sensitive. When she feels unhappy, such as after her friend/adoptive mother Daisy died and she was on her own, she is prone to become neurotic and develop phobias. Fortunately she was able to make a new friend in Wispa, and now she is much happier. Wispa is a pretty calm and laid-back gerbil, but can be a bit sneaky.

Astra is cheeky, confident and funny. Twiglet is her sensible big sister. Twiglet will be the one who has to check everything out extensively to make sure it's safe, whereas Astra just plunges straight in.
What adorable little souls they are! 😍
I'm heartbroken writing this, but Wispa has died too. I found her this evening with the same symptoms Tilly had (minus the severe pain). I took her straight to the vet, who said that she did have some abdominal pain and given the circumstances it was highly likely it was the same illness Tilly had. To save her from severe pain, and because the little treatment they could offer probably wouldn't have worked quickly enough, Wispa was put to sleep. We still don't know what was wrong. I feel awful, like I must have done something wrong, although I can't think what.
How dreadfully sad for you. Sometimes there simply are no answers, and no matter what you do or how hard you try, the outcome can not be changed. There can be problems that date back generations, but they simply lie dormant , then without any foreseeable reason, they suddenly rear up. You clearly loved and cared for your little ones, and gave them lives that many, many animals can only ever dream of 💜