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Today I adopted a Chinese hamster who I've named Leo. He was born on 14th January so he's nearly 10 weeks old. I'm looking forward to getting to know him!


Welcome to Leo! He is absolutely adorable and has landed on his feet with you :) I'm looking forward to hearing all about him as he settles in and grows up. And his antics!
Love the name, I think it really suits him.
Looking forward to seeing more of you Leo as you settle in to your lovely new home.

Thank you! Do you find Chinese hamsters are very nocturnal (like Syrians), or are they often awake in the day?
Leo is absolutely gorgeous, Daisy. You have created a wonderful habitat for him and watching him explore it all was great. Looking forward to following his progress with you.
Leo is doing well. He has been active this evening and last night. He will sometimes take food from me, but other times is too nervous. He's always curious about me, but very cautious. I've also started often leaving food on his cork log, and if he doesn't come to see me when I open the cage, he'll definitely be out as soon as he hears me turn the second lock on the cage door to see what I've left for him! I think we should get on nicely eventually. He's full with curiosity about me, I can tell, he's just a bit too nervous to fully give in to his curiosity at the moment.
Leo is doing great. He's getting quite confident. He's still wary around me but he also knows that I am the source of treats which outweighs the wariness (he doesn't want to be touched at all, it's all on his own terms). He will even eat out in the open.


Leo has got so bold and even cheeky! He races around his cage at speed and always comes up to me for a treat when I open the cage. He still doesn't want to be touched at all and he steps onto my hand very gingerly to get a treat. Maybe one day he will let me hold him but not right now. If I offer him a food he doesn't like (like chamomile flowers), he screws up his face as if in disgust!

He's so lovely. I'd heard so much about Chinese hamsters being shy and while I can't speak for all of them of course, Leo certainly isn't shy at all. He is skittish, which can be mistaken for shyness, but is really a bit different.

