
I'm surprised that enclosure didn't work for the gerbils but i don't know about gerbils.
Is it too many levels?
It worked fine for a couple of pairs in the past but with my current pair, Astra decided to claim the top part as her own and Twiglet felt too intimidated to spend much time there. It just depends on the pair really. It's a lovely enclosure for very stable pairs but it's not suitable for pairs who have a slightly more tense relationship. Twiglet is genetically huge but meek in temperament and Astra is tiny but very self confident, so Astra can tend to take advantage sometimes. They're in a tank that's all on one level now and doing really well again.
I think you're keen on that idea! It reminds me a bit of the Falco cage with a deep base for bedding and a cage type top. Except your top is better as it has front opening doors! I can see it could work with some shelf alterations maybe.
Off the top of my head, I think the base would need to be filled with substrate to just below the door level. Lose the bottom set of shelves and have that as the main surface area (ie the top of the substrate) with all the enrichment at that level. And then some shelves above. ie raise everything. How you would work that with a wheel I'm not sure!
Is that the Eco habitat at the bottom? That might work well on its own actually if it is.
Is that the Eco habitat at the bottom? That might work well on its own actually if it is.
It is, and I was thinking I could use it on its own as another option, but I would miss having bars and front opening doors.
Ah good point. Those front opening doors are great. Did you make the top part? Where would the gerbils go?!
Ah good point. Those front opening doors are great. Did you make the top part? Where would the gerbils go?!
I designed it and my dad built it. The gerbils moved out of it a few weeks ago as they just couldn't get along in that enclosure (even when I tried removing the topper). It was a shame as Astra used to love the topper with all the little platforms but then again it down to her that they had to move! They're in a Marrakesh terrarium now but I'd like to either get something slightly taller (though not nearly as tall as the previous enclosure) or make them a raised lid so they can have a bigger wheel. If their new enclosure ends up being taller but slightly smaller in floorspace it might fit on the dresser.
Well if it's been vacated it's the ideal time to adapt it :) I remember trying to plan how I would set up a Falco cage years ago - even though I didn't have one. I nearly got one but didn't like the fact it only had top access so high up. And working out if the base was completely full of substrate, I would need to attach the wheel stand to the back bars so it didn't sink in the substrate. I guess you could do similar rather than have 60cm legs on the wheel or a platform for it that would take up floorspace maybe. I'm starting to see how it could work, with the platforms adapted.
Hi there, Leo is adorable, he's so sweet and sounds like he's settling in really well. He has a lovely home and looks like you've some fabulous options for an upgrade when your ready so it's a win/win, have fun Leo 😊
It’s a bit hard to imagine how you would set that up for a Chinese, it does look amazing & could probably done.
I’m sure he would love all that deep bedding in the base but the climbing & height might be harder to get right.
They do love to climb & are very agile, I’ve never seen one fall of anything, but my experience is mostly seeing them climbing bars & small ledges & shelves attached to the bars.
They don’t seem to like too much height, when I had Zephyr in a tall 100cm cage I made almost like an extra level with hammocks at the top & it was totally safe but she was very nervous when she did go up there, just didn’t seem to like being quite that high.

I think the Plaza might be a better option really, you could deepen the base with panels if you wanted for extra substrate & still have lots of height for ledges & shelves, with a couple of hammocks across the top higher up it would be great for a Chinesey.
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How tall is the top part? I thought it could work if the base was filled to the top with substrate so there wasn't so much height above it. Depending on how tall the top part is.
How tall is the top part? I thought it could work if the base was filled to the top with substrate so there wasn't so much height above it. Depending on how tall the top part is.
The top part is 60cm tall. But thinking about it some more, I think the Plaza is probably a better option.
Unless you can lower the top part maybe? But that could take some doing!
Ha ha - yes I have some a bit like that :-) He must have been heading towards you quite fast :-) Did he give your phone a good inspection? :ROFLMAO: His fur is looking lovely and sleek.
Ha ha - yes I have some a bit like that :) He must have been heading towards you quite fast :) Did he give your phone a good inspection? :ROFLMAO: His fur is looking lovely and sleek.
He was very curious about my phone. I don't think he had ever seen it up close. And to be fair he was probably wondering what it was doing in his cage!
Raffy turns his back on it if I put it in the cage :) It's like he knows I'm pointing something at him! Leo sounds much more fun and curious in that way!