

Chinese Whispers
Food Guru
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She’s here at long last!

A little bundle of joy arrived this morning, she’s tiny (about five weeks) quite nervous but still doing lots of exploring & full of beans, she’s already been making me laugh with her antics.
Her markings are a bit unusual with her white diamond patch on her forehead sometimes appears to be in the centre & sometimes off to the side depending. on how she moves her head!
Of course I’m totally smitten already.
I thought it might take me a while to come up with a name but I had a few names in mind & Liriél just seems to suit her, it means song of the stars.

Here she is when I’d just put her into the cage.

She’d only been in there about an hour when I went to have a quick look to see how she was getting on & I found her monkey barring back & forth across the top of the cage! And I’d been a bit concerned she might not find her way on to the top of her house where her water is 🙄
She kept that up for a little while then stopped to wash her face still completely horizontal just holding on with her back legs & tail!
I left her for a bit then had another quick look (keeping my distance while she settles) & she was back down again.

She likes her flax spray 😋

I’m leaving her to settle in now but although she’s nervous I think she may settle in quite quickly
Hello little Liriél!

You are a very lucky and absolutely adorable little girl! Fancy holding on to the roof with back legs and tail to have a wash. I got a feeling this girl has a few tricks in store.

I'm so happy for you and us as well, now that the wait is over.
Congratulations! She is adorable! This is exciting for us too I think :-) I can't wait to hear more about her, but of course she may go reclusive for a bit after the initial excitement perhaps. She looks adorable eating that flax and clearly loving her cage and practising her tail tricks!
Thank you Beryl & Maz.
I feel like the lucky one Beryl & yes I think she will have a few tricks in store….
She might go quiet after all the initial excitement Maz, I don’t mind as long as she’s happy & there’s no rush, all up to her.
She does seem to be responding to my voice already though, I’m keeping my distance, her cage is across the room from the living room door so I can spy on her from there, I just went to stand there & talk to her & she appeared on top of her house, might have been in the sand bath up there & came running down to the front & starting climbing the bars!
It is easy to forget how much energy they have!
She’s stopped racing around but not sleeping yet, I just went into the living room briefly & she appeared from the same place & came to sit on a ledge at the front of the cage before running off again so I popped a pumpkin seed through the bars onto the ledge for her to find later.
She hasn’t tried the wheel yet, probably wondering what it is!
Yay, so excited to see you finally get a new hamster! She's beautiful, what a pretty coat. I can't wait to see more, especially if she starts building up some nests. She seems pretty secure while munching on that flax, and the energy too :O
They are quite addictive! Once you’ve had one there’s no going back!

Liriél is doing really well, she finally went to sleep & only appeared very briefly about nine yesterday evening but she’s been out this morning, I heard her at the water bottle & went over to have a little chat, she was nervous but didn’t just rush off & disappear then she had a run in her wheel for a while, she’s got the hang of that now, running like a pro.