
Thanks ilguy, she is a curious little thing!
She’s certainly made herself at home now, it looks like the substrate exploded out of the door to her house which is now well sealed & totally blocked off “no entry human!” She’s got a little burrow entrance in the front corner of the cage, I thought she might go down there & had put a little bit of cardboard on the bars to make a darker spot & she probably thinks I can’t see her although I can just.
She’s demolished most of her sprays so is obviouldy enjoying them, I gave her a tiny toothbrush & one of the sea creature chews but she seems to have completly ignored them so far.
She’s still quite brave for a new baby but isn’t staying out long yet, she’s taken a pine nut from my hand a few times now & will sit there & eat it rather than just pouching it, runs over to see what I’m doing when I open the door but once she’s had a treat or pouched some food if I’m topping that up she tends to just go back into her house, yesterday morning she came back out for quite a long run in her wheel but very quiet again this morning after her treats.
It’s still very early days so she probably hasn’t established a proper routine yet.
Her morning routine so far is quite different to any I’ve had before, she’s usually running in her wheel when I get up & I leave her for a while before putting the living room light on & going to do her water & top up food if it needs it.
She happily takes a treat from me then disappears then gets up again for a run about seven to half seven, yesterday I left her without disturbing her but this morning I went over after a little while & offered her half a cheese crock, she tried to take it from my fingers twice but dropped it so I put it on her cork log & she sat there happily munching, I think those are going to be a favourite 😋
That's going to be so great when she's more comfortable with interacting. It sounds like you've already made good progress together. I can't wait to hear what she does next, probably more constructions I'd wager
I keep forgetting to grab my phone when I go & see her so I haven’t got any more photos yet but I’ll try & remember next time!
She’s not as active or out as much as my other female Chineseys have been yet but she’s still doing well.
She expects something nice every time the cage door opens now & comes running over to me, she can still be a bit skittish at times but yesterday she progressed to two little paws on my hand scoffing some seeds & this morining sat in my hand for the first time, heart melting moments!
Thanks all :)

Here’s a couple of short vids of her nibbling her treats.
In the first one it looks like she’s doing a Zak & just licking the filling out of her crock & leaving the rest!
