
So lovely to meet Liriel! What a beautiful name and she’s already so brave she must feel very comfortable with you and a great sign she’s already coming out to the sound of your voice already
Its fascinating to watch her on the wheel as she does exactly what Xolo does🥰
Looking forward to seeing her settle into her lovely cage
Thank you Mackyen, she has been very brave, I think excitement overcomes nervousness on day one so I might see a little less of her for a day or so but I’m really pleased with how she’s settling in so far.
She's gorgeous :-) She's really enjoying the wheel. She has a kind of confident look about her though. Also is she still a baby? She seems quite small perhaps.
Yes she is still a little baby.
She is quite confident but I can see a slight pancaking, keeping her body low to the ground at times which they do when nervous, not too much though.
This is wonderful news elusive. Welcome to the forum beautiful Liriel. You have no idea what a lucky little lady you are and have landed on all 4 paws with your new home. Perhaps you might consider keeping all 4 paws the right side down for now and not give any one a fright! But you are very clever and agile.
Lovely videos elusive and thrilled for you. Looking forward to hearing how she settles in.
Well Liriél is even braver & more confident than I thought she was!
I heard her out & about at sevenish & about eight I wasn’t sure if she was still out or not but I couldn’t see her so I went to give her a little plate of buckwheat sprouts & top up of her food & as I opened the door she came running over from somewhere at the back of the cage, I thought I might have spooked her & expected her to run off into her house but she came over & poked her head out of the door for a good look around, I offered her the scoop of food I was about to put in & she stood there stuffing her pouches, gave my finger a good sniff then disappeared down the back of the cage again somewhere, my heart was melting 😍
She is really surprising me, I think it’s more personality, she’s definitely not tame but she is very curious, we had another very brief interaction this morning when she came out to see what I was up to doing her water & a bit later was quite confident pouching her food while I was watching.
I’m still keeping my distance most of the time but I am pleased at how well she’s settling in.
That’s so lovely to hear. She feels safe with you elusive which is not surprising. Xolo is curious but likes to watch from one of his hides when I change his water or scatter his food. It must be lovely having Liriél come out to see you❤️
Thanks both. It is lovely & she’s very sweet.

Mackyen little Xolo sounds really cute watching you from his hides, I’m sure his confidence will soon begin to grow, I’ve only had one other that was quite this brave, they are usually quite timid to begin with but that curiosity wins out sooner rather than later!
Wow, she is super curious! You have a handful on your hands with Liriel. I love that video of her on her wheel, she's already curious about you so early on. Keep your eye on her though, she's going to learn how to flump from one of the other hams soon enough. Maybe she will cough up the secret for some treats