
Wow, she is speedy. It's funny the way you give them a nice ladder or steps up to platforms and they think, nope, no time for that, I'll jump. She is beautiful.
Thanks ilguy & Hank 😊
I actually bought that tunnel by mistake some years ago & never used it, I thought it was a smaller one but she really does love it.
Quite right about the ladders Hank, why do things the easy way when you can do it the hamster way!

I’m very glad I made that playpen, I never worry about her getting out even when I have no idea where she’s gone, she would be a terror in any other playpen I’ve had!
She's beautiful! Thank you for linking that video :) Hope all goes well. You are missed too.
Lovely to see your beautiful little girl again.
Really hope you get the surgery soon and your eyesight improves. You are much missed here 💐
Lovely to see Liriel, she’s looking sweet, so cute. Wishing you all the best with your surgery 😊