
My rat rations order arrived, I was supposed to be buying ingredients for her mix & considering I don’t really do Christmas she’s going to be doing quite well this year!

She’s here at long last!

A little bundle of joy arrived this morning, she’s tiny (about five weeks) quite nervous but still doing lots of exploring & full of beans, she’s already been making me laugh with her antics.
Her markings are a bit unusual with her white diamond patch on her forehead sometimes appears to be in the centre & sometimes off to the side depending. on how she moves her head!
Of course I’m totally smitten already.
I thought it might take me a while to come up with a name but I had a few names in mind & Liriél just seems to suit her, it means song of the stars.

Here she is when I’d just put her into the cage.

She’d only been in there about an hour when I went to have a quick look to see how she was getting on & I found her monkey barring back & forth across the top of the cage! And I’d been a bit concerned she might not find her way on to the top of her house where her water is 🙄
She kept that up for a little while then stopped to wash her face still completely horizontal just holding on with her back legs & tail!
I left her for a bit then had another quick look (keeping my distance while she settles) & she was back down again.
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She likes her flax spray 😋

I’m leaving her to settle in now but although she’s nervous I think she may settle in quite quickly
Lirièl is beautiful. What a cutie! I love the little coconut hide away. So sweet thanks for sharing these videos.
It’s fine to use treats for other pets as long as you check the ingredients are all safe.
Antos & Elkwood chews are very similar to Whimzees so I knew they should be ok but still checked in case there were any extra ingredients in the Christmas ones that might not be safe.
The Applaws cat food is just plain cooked chicken with a bit of cheese.
I was surprised by the Antos cookies as they have chicken & duck & anything with duck is usually high in fat but these are only 2% & the other ingredients are all ok.
Fun & games this morning! Liriél was being her usual zoomy self so I could only get short clips before I lost her so I joined a few together.
She did have some calmer moments in my hands & up my sleeve but then I don’t have hands free for photos, maybe I should get a tripod!

Thanks all 😊 she certainly is fast but they always are!
She was a lot more confident in the playpen this morning & seemed to enjoy herself, she was happy to climb on my hands a few times as well which she hasn’t done outside the cage before.
I’ve had that spiderman mug ages now, I think it might have been Whisper who used it first!
I still have my giant teacup with hearts on :-) One thing I managed not to break! I never seem to have room for it in a cage these days.
She’s doing fine thanks ilguy, she has been a bit quiet the last couple of days & I haven’t seen so much of her but she’s still full of beans when she’s out, just had to catch her climbing down the door again this morning!

Which treats do you mean? She hasn’t had any of the new ones yet, I got those for Christmas.

She’s definitely chewing okay now so I’ve finally stopped worrying there might be a problem her sea horse chew is slowly but steadily getting it’s head bitten off!