
I’ve been wondering about chews! What does Liriél have?

Blue wasn’t interested in the generic one from the pet store (just said wood so I removed it now that I’m better informed!)

I’ve just ordered a little variety of things from this Etsy shop including the “tasty twigs” pack in hopes this appeals to him.

Looks like a cute high quality shop, so I’ll let you know once I receive my order.
There are a lot of chews sold for hamsters that they don’t really show any interest in, I hope you get some nice things from Etsy.
Blue might enjoy the tasty twigs, have you tried dandelion root? Most seem to like that, apple sticks are enjoyed by some but not all.
You should be able to get the whimzee toothbrush dog chews I think, most hams really love those.
These look slightly different to the ones we have here but I think they’re the same thing.
See if you can get the whimzee toothbrush ones :-). I could only see this big bag here which is a bit expensive. They tend to like all the whimzee chews but you can stick seeds between the bristles of the toothbrush ones so they have fun getting the seeds out as well.

Is dandelion root safe for Albert?
What are apple sticks? I'm guessing they wouldn't be safe for Albert.
Yes dandelion root is fine for all hamsters, they don’t always chew much of it but do seem to enjoy it, the apple sticks are just usually twigs rather than sticks of apple wood, they seem to prefer those to the hazel sticks you see more often.
Great video of Liriél, she looks really happy playing and nibbling at her treats and carrot topped house. The Christmas shaped treats are a fab idea, look forward to seeing which are her favourites.
Sorry I’ve been totally forgetting to post any updates on my hams!

Liriël had quite a long spell of not wanting to go into her playpen at all & was happier just doing her own thing in the cage but she’s had a bit of a burst of hyperactivity lately & I managed to get a few clips yesterday.
She’s so speedy & hard to keep.up with most of the time I have no idea where she’s gone!

Back in the cage she got half a crock, grabbed it & took it into her wheel, after a bit of a nibble she started running with it, I didn’t record that it was a bit deafening!

I have been hoping for an update and what a lovely one this was! She is so fast! I love her cute tail and lovely big eyes. I laughed at what she was doing next to her wheel. She looks so happy and full of beans. 🥰
She's gorgeous! It's lovely watching her elegantly zooming around. She is definitely elegant. Clever of her to dive into a tube and pull the treat ball closer. She's really going in her wheel as well. :-)
Thanks all 😊
She is lovely, if a bit of a diva!
Maz I think she was trying to pull the treat ball into the tube but it wouldn’t fit, she’s very impatient with things like that!
Sorry I’ve been totally forgetting to post any updates on my hams!

Liriël had quite a long spell of not wanting to go into her playpen at all & was happier just doing her own thing in the cage but she’s had a bit of a burst of hyperactivity lately & I managed to get a few clips yesterday.
She’s so speedy & hard to keep.up with most of the time I have no idea where she’s gone!

Back in the cage she got half a crock, grabbed it & took it into her wheel, after a bit of a nibble she started running with it, I didn’t record that it was a bit deafening!

Gorgeous! She is very quick and agile!