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I was looking at something like that as well Jain - it does store away easily and is quite large. The one I saw was 120cm diameter.
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I was looking at something like that as well Jain - it dies store away easily and is quite large. The one I saw was 120cm diameter.
Mine is only 70cm which is a bit small but I tended to leave the door flap open and when it was in the conservatory Pete went in and out at his choosing I'm working on making our other room Pete proof


Items like this don't help it was all blocked of at the back but he limboed under it no problem
I was thinking the 120cm one was going to be a squeeze to fit in! Pete's looks nice. Yes items like that I can imagine he would go under but at least you know where he is! Would he be tempted out with a tube with food in?
I was thinking the 120cm one was going to be a squeeze to fit in! Pete's looks nice. Yes items like that I can imagine he would go under but at least you know where he is! Would he be tempted out with a tube with food in?
Depends what mood he is in but we got wise to his liquidating escapes just takes such a lot of time blocking off all possible hidey place's
Good golly miss Molly - she has been monkey barring and hanging from the roof!

She got up a bit later this evening. I went to say hello then went to get her food. When I came back she had managed to get a foothold in the small bar gap above the door latch - past the Perspex and onto the roof - where she was hanging by her front paws after not being able to hang on with all four. I put my hand under and she stepped onto my hand.

I then put her food out and that kept her busy pouching it and going back to her house.

Next time I looked she was hanging from the roof again! So she is out in the play bin now and I may have to attach extra Perspex - I have some extra bits - if they fit. I think she can only do it at the front next to the door.

So - a few adaptations to the front of Molly’s cage which is now like Fort Knox.

I’ve had to use the Perspex door piece to stop her climbing the door, and swapped the two 7cm pieces round the top for 14cm Perspex. Which I happened to have.

So the front is completely Perspex now. There is still a gap where the door latch closes quite near the roof - which is where she got a foothold before - but she can’t get to it. She watched what I was doing, seemed a bit disappointed and went back to bed.

The other three sides should be fine because the 7cm Perspex is too deep for her to get past - I think! It was just at the front where she managed to get near enough to the roof to climb onto it.

She was out in the playpen for a long time tonight - crazy with energy! Going like the wind on the flying saucer and the wheel and digging in the box of cardboard. She has a lot of energy now she’s settled in.

Here she is digging in the cardboard dig box - watch for her little meerkat at the end - she looks so cute when she does it! And she does it a lot.

Here she is in the playbin going at 90 miles an hour - very energetic! It's a few minutes long but you can see she starts of not doing very well on the saucer but gets better on it towards the end. She is going crazy leaping between the wheel and the saucer! The saucer is clearly a novelty. I actually think it's a bit small for and she'd do better with the 12" one.

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She looks lovely in silhouette eating her sprays 😍
She wasn’t standing in her water or something was she? I can’t see dark images or videos well.
It's not easy to see, but she's basically straddling one of the millet sprays and partly standing on the one next to it so not really standing on anything! Although when she gets down she stands on the little wood spray holder (you can just see the mushroom) - it's a very dark video - sorry!
Sorry Rainbow - just edited that last post to be correct so it's changed! I had to watch the video again myself to see lol!
Not very ladylike sometimes either! Last night she was wanting to be out then didn’t like it and wanted to go back. That happened twice. Second time I put my hand out for her to climb on in the play bin and she was crafty and ran right up my arm - I had to quickly lower my arm in the bin before she got out. I think she wants to free roam. Not yet Molly.
Little Milly is so confident. Great video of her on the saucer, she’s really getting the hang of it and the spray one made me chuckle. looks like she’s balancing, then her leg kinda goes off one side but she’s still hanging in there eating, brilliant! She’s got a great personality and is going to be keeping you busy for sure. ☺️
Molly was quite hyper and restless last night and does this funny thing in this plastic tube :-) The tube is her taxi - she hops into it from the cage. Two of the three ends have tube blockers on. I can only assume she is trying to push them off. But then she did the same thing (on her back, legs in the air) at the front entrance! If you watch she does it a few times and it made me laugh - very unladylike! And has a go at jumping out of the bin but didn't make it.

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