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I made another pyramid treat for Molly last night. Got the flour glue right this time so the seeds have all stuck in better. I think she’ll like this one a lot :)

She was out for a short while last night but still trying to work out her routine and I’ve been out during the day quite a bit recently.

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That could be a Christmas special 😍
These are from Saturday night after I put the pyramid treat in her cage. All very short clips - some just a few seconds!

This first one, she finds the treat - I then chopped quite a bit of the video out while she sat nibbling it for ages, but at the end she's quite funny as ends up on her back :) This was from the hamstercam - by then I'd noticed she was out and had found it so the second and third clips are with my phone (and a bit darker unfortunately) - it was about 10.30pm

Molly nibbling treat on its side - near the end she nonchalantly flips a bit of substrate flying :) I think she was looking for the seeds that fell off.

Then she realises she is being watched! White tummy time!

This one is literally just seconds - it was a bit earlier when she was clearly enjoying her wheel a lot - watch how she climbs into it!

I forgot my voice was on there ha ha - I sound like a squeaky idiot :rolleyes:
Me too! I've seen Syrians do that sometimes when they're young and enthusiastic :-) It's a great game - jumping on and off the wheel, running hard, then jumping on again through a different hole!
Molly's pattern at the moment seems to be going awol for 2 or 3 days and then getting attention to want to come out. Yesterday I found there was more substrate at the front of the cage than before! Piled quite high. On closer inspection there was a hole - looks like she's been doing some burrowing and tunneling and pushed it all up.



Tonight she's been a monkey again. It's when she hears me and knows I'm there, she does it. I suddenly saw her hanging from the roof. OH and I were watching. If you watch at the start she clambers up there quite easily - past the perspex and then past the top perspex - just stretches over it to reach the roof. My arm on the video was when I was showing OH that if she dropped she'd only land on deep substrate. Anyway it's a way of getting attention and I got her out of the cage for a while. I watched for a minute or so before getting her down and out of the cage. The hamstercam was recording it.

Sounds like Molly has been having a great time burrowing & digging in the substrate!
She’s very clever & agile with her monkey barring attention seeking, pretty hard to ignore that!
She is certainly very agile. OH was gobsmacked when he saw her and said hamsters don't normally do this do they? I said yes sometimes, if they can. Then he was worried she could fall and hurt herself. Which is why I was pointing out the deep bedding on the video.

I am less worried than I was initially because whichever part of the cage she's in, she can't fall far or onto something that would hurt and as she can only get up at the front (the tiny gap where the perspex stops at the door) she only seems to do it along that front part of the roof and over the bedding and the house. I'm still mulling over the idea of full perspex or an enclosed cage though. It's definitely only when she wants to come out and knows I'm in the room as I've watched the nightcam! She doesn't do it at night.

I had initially ordered full perspex for the front only, but cancelled it again after discussion with the guy at Viking Laser who said it does take two people to lift the cage top on and off with the full perspex or the panels fall out. I must ask eviee about this as she has it. Not that I'd take the top off very often - I've always just left it in place and done everything through the front door.
I was wondering if Mollys pattern of going awol then wanting to come out could be when she is in heat. She is just so adorable and full of beans.

I think it is really sweet your OH was worried about her falling.
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