Second chance hamsters

He sounds very happy and loving the space and enrichment! He may end up being the tamest one in the long run - who knows.
I won't be in a rush to move him into the Hamster Heaven because too many moves within a short space of time could unsettle him. He seems happy in the bin cage. What i really want is for him to feel safe and that takes time.
He sounds very happy and loving the space and enrichment! He may end up being the tamest one in the long run - who knows.
Quite possible. When i first got Rodney who was extremely shy and scared, i thought he would never learn to trust but he did.
Bernard is addicted to his wheel. He runs off inbetween and then straight back onto the wheel.
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That's really good he seems happy in the bin cage, and yes he will probably feel safer when he's done a good bit of scent marking for a while! Then he might appreciate an upgrade. It looks a good bin cage anyway with that door in the front!
Dwarfie Lilly was bought for children who lost interest. In all fairness, the parents looked after Lilly even though they housed her in a p@h own brand cage, they tried. Eventually, like so many others, she ended up for sale in the small ads.

My OH has wanted another dwarf girl for ages and white, glowy eyed Lilly is perfect for someone with bad eyesight.

We had a space and Hamster Heaven after losing both our old boys within a short space of time. It doesn't make us miss our departed boys any less and i wished they were still alive but at least this girl has a second chance of a good life.

I used to worry about all the illnesses hybrids are prone to but pedigree dwarfie Gertie changed that. I'm happy with whatever amount of time i get to spend with a hamster and live to enjoy the night.

Must get this carpe noctem tattoo.

She’s beautiful. It like looks like she’s happy to pose too :-)
She’s beautiful. It like looks like she’s happy to pose too :-
Aww, look at her cute little mouth! She looks so cute!
She is cute, small and round.
I normally let hamsters settle in before interacting with them but Lilly asked to come out earlier.
I let her run around in the hall playground which she enjoyed.
Later she asked to come out again so i let her free roam the whole area.
She's fast but i can scoop her up in my hands. I transport her in a mug until we get to know each other better.
I bought a carrot house and then didn't know where to put it so sat it on a big shelf with Kaytee in it. She naps in there but keeps her hoard in the big house.
She's been very busy stripping millet and foraging food to build up that hoard.
She's settling in surprisingly well and seems happy to be here.
Must start a thread for her.

Had to cover part of her cage so Clive can't chuck his poops at her. I think he's a bit jealous and keeps sitting on the shelf near Lilly's cage looking over.
She is so friendly. Is that common with female dwarfs? All yours sound like they were friendly either with you or your OH.

Aww, Clive worries his mum will not give him her full attention.
That's great she wants to come out. Maybe bars are new too and she's testing the exits!
The ones we had were sociable or very spirited but i had quite a few male dwarfs as well. They were just as lovely.

I've never met a hostile or bad tempered hamster. Percy bit every chance he got but he was ill and quite disturbed mentally.
Oh I'm getting muddled up with the Bernard :) Who was in the Spelos
I collected a nearly two year old Syrian today who lived in a crittertrail and slept in this enclosed wheel thing.
He wouldn't come out so i put him in the transport box inside this wheel thing.
While in the car he stuffed his pouches with kaytee and made himself a nest in there then went to sleep. He didn't look comfortable with the spindle in the middle but comfort is not something he knew.

I'd love to give him a retirement home but don't have the space which was lucky for him.
A friend who used to run a rescue and still helps where she can is going to adopt him.
She has amazing hamster care and fabulous enclosures so this little man is going to live out his days in luxury.

Currently he's in my bin cage and sleeping inside the house. Even that is probably the most comfortable sleep he ever had.
