Second chance hamsters

Yes I used to screw them to the roof upside down. Wodent wheels were the easiest to fix upside down! Shame they're not available any more.
He didn't use the corner toilet because sand and toilets are new to him i think. I replaced the corner toilet in the HH with a sand jar which i think is more likely to entice him in. He seems to like round things and hides.

Clive has always refused to use a corner toilet but uses his sand jar as a toilet and hangs out in it.
Yes I used to screw them to the roof upside down. Wodent wheels were the easiest to fix upside down! Shame they're not available any more.
I know and they were popular. I don't know what goes on in manufacturers heads sometimes.
I think they went bust actually - but have been taken over I believe and only available in the US. Not sure if they're the same or different now. Shame they don't do the silent runner in more sizes - eg 9" 11" and 12". Wodent wheels used to come in 11" and 12".
I was wondering whether to attempt to fix Raffy's trixie wheel to the bars the other day - ie swap the wheels over so the ginormous one is in the playpen. And leave a bit more room for substrate in the cage. But I have never managed to work out how to do it.
I wouldn't dare hang them from the roof - my first one used to fall off it's stand easily. I have seen people somehow fix them to the bars by pulling the stand off and sticking the back part through the bars. With my second one I couldn't even get the stand off! I don't think they're intended to come off. But then they can fall off sometimes as well!
I secured the wheel to the stand with a cable tie to make sure that it didn't fall off when upsidedown.
Oh good idea. We are talking about the plastic trixie wheel now aren't we? :)
Anyway the trixie wheel is 11" so even if hung upside down, it would still hang a long way down the cage and not much room for substrate under it.
He was licking the linseeds off the cork log and looked up when i took this photo.
He also climbed on top of his coconut looking for a way out but i suppose they do that in an unfamiliar cage.