Second chance hamsters

Davy sat by his door this evening so i opened it and offered him the porridge tube. He walked straight in and i let him out in the hall playground. He really enjoyed it.

The first couple of times he sat mainly under the shoe rack and stayed near me. Tonight he tried the wheels, run through the tubes and did a lot of sniffing. He enjoyed a good run around as well. I could tell when he wanted back in his cage because he stopped playing and scrambled at a corner looking for a way out. He walked in the tube to go home.

I can stroke him and have picked him up briefly but don't want to rush anything so use the tube for now.

He is aware of the other hamsters and sits and listens sometimes. I still can't believe how small he is. He is tiny.
That is real progress! He is adjusting. It's lovely you can stroke him and he will walk into the tube. How tiny?
I meant how small does he look comparison wise to say - an apple - or a dwarf hamster. Probably a silly question. I'm just trying to imagine how small!
My OH said tonight that he looked more like a dwarf than a Syrian. He looks like a 3 months old. When i saw his ad i wondered why they showed baby photos of a 9 months old hamster.
Aww grumpy Davy! That is such a cute photo 😍
He really is gaining confidence fast & sounds like he’s enjoying life, hopefully he’ll start gaining in size & weight soon too.
I have now found a way to attach Davy's 10in wheel to the bars by placing a silent runner plate on the inside of the cage. It adds enough thickness to stop the wheel from touching the rim of the base. I hope.
Good idea. I thought about that with my current wheel but used a bit of wood instead.
He's getting into better habits then :)
I feel guilty because i forgot to put Davy's little dish with fresh food in his cage before going to work last night.
It still sat on the mat on top of Clive's cage this morning.
Davy doesn't usually get up for his fresh food till late evening. He is a late riser compared to the others.

I fed them early tonight, around 17.00 and fed Davy first then Clive who lives above him. Next time i looked Davy's plate was empty and the linseeds on the cork log had gone.
I have no idea where he sneaked out from so quietly and so quickly with me standing right beside his cage and not noticing.

They all and i mean all, had scrambled egg and cucumber tonight which went down well.
After working out how to attach the wheel to the bars with a plate and a washer i moved it back to the original place while Davy was underground somewhere.
The big house in the middle which he didn't use didn't work out and used up too much valuable space. There were also too many dead ends and hamsters like to be able to go places.
I replaced the big house with a smaller one and another corner shelf. Bingo!
He can get to the wheel easily and can't jam it now. A little path led to the corner under the new shelf this morning, he's using the whole cage and the front shelf is no longer a dead end.
This cage gave me a headache but i worked it out in the end.

Davy has been out and he is very fast and a bit nervy. He does act like a young hamster even though he is not and probably hasn't been handled much. I think this will soon change as he becomes more confident.
He keeps coming to his door and then runs off to his ceramic hide when i open his door. He doesn't hide away though like many new hamsters do.

Davy weighs 86g now which is an accurate reading and he doesn't look quite so skinny than he did on arrival.
That is really good news. He's bound to still be a bit nervy as he hasn't got used to you yet. I can just imagine him coming to the door and then running away to his hide :) . He really is tiny if he's 86g. I thought Raffy was small when he came and he was 97g.