Second chance hamsters

That would be great but is not likely to happen as they are not interested in animal welfare.
I'm forever reporting breeders for showing photos of newborn hamsters but all they do is to acknowledge my email.
The issue being - if they can legally be sold in high street shops they can't really restrict sale of them second hand. If they were illegal, that would be another matter. Or if they were classed as pet carriers and had to be advertised as that.
The issue being - if they can legally be sold in high street shops they can't really restrict sale of them second hand. If they were illegal, that would be another matter. Or if they were classed as pet carriers and had to be advertised as that.
That is the whole problem.
If companies would stop manufacturing small cages they couldn't be bought or sold second hand.
Hello Davy. He still has that shy look.
Yes, he is still weighing things up.

He's running around in the hall now but hovering around me. Maybe he could smell Otto running around in the other room. I caught Otto and put him back in his cage now. He wanted home anyway because he appeared when i called him.

Davy is exploring the toys now.
Yes, he climbed in. He also climbed into the playbin tonight and rummaged around the dig boxes. Gave me a chance to spotclean his pee corner which is under the pink shelf. Good thing is that the plastic shelf unscrews easily so i can take it out while he is out of the cage. He's napping in the green hide now.
He sounds to have had a great evening. Interesting you said that pink shelf unscrews easily because I found it a nightmare! But then my cage had narrower bars so maybe that was to do with it.
I was surprised at how easy it was to remove it and then put it back in.
Sure, it's pink but turned upsidedown, covered in substrate and hidden behind the sputnik, it is quite a practical shelf.
I checked on freeroaming Davy and found him in the bath tub!

He was scrabbling at the sides trying to get out. Of course the question was, how did he manage to get in there in the first place?!

I took him out and he promptly tried to do the same again. He climbed into the scales on the floor then onto the rim of the bowl and from there onto a ledge. He walked along the ledge behind the sink to the bath. He kept jumping until he got hold of the edge of a flannel hanging over the bath and climbed up the flannel to the edge of the bath.

He is very small and light but very agile and fast. I think that boy could be trouble, lol.