Syrian Bar Biting on cage

There doesn't seem to be a lot of choice for the tank style, I was looking at the maxi Duna and Bucatstate, but I can find the larger version anywhere. I think I would prefer the plaza, but after yesterday's chewing, I think he would be better in the tank style. Just need to ensure there is enough climbing available
I can see your dilemma. Sometimes you can find second hand aquariums online. That is only helpful if you have transport though.
I think the Plaza would be better for a Syrian than the Maxi Duna and the Bucatstate isn't big enough. I am not sure if there is a larger version is there?

I understand the concern that he may continue bar biting if he's in a barred cage and not wanting to waste money. Another member on here recently had the same issue and her hamster stopped bar biting once she was in the Plaza cage. It continued (the bar biting) for the first couple of days - maybe habit or the stress of a cage move, but then it stopped. They have more to do.

The Maxi duna is nice but the height is limited for a Syrian wheel. It is still a nice cage but harder to add as much enrichment perhaps. The Maxi Duna is also quite expensive these days. The Zoozone large is virtually identical but has larger bar spacing so the lid needs meshing and the lid can be a bit clunky but it is cheaper.

You're right though there really aren't any tank styles to choose from without diy. Some people use detolfs which only need a lid making. There is the Living world eco habitat but that costs over £200!

One option with the plaza though is you can get perspex panels made to fit it (Viking Laser) - these are intended for deeper bedding (so it doesn't spill out of the cage) but they can also prevent bar biting. Unless of course the hamster decides to climb on a shelf and bar bite further up.

But Viking also make full perspex panels which can actually turn the Plaza into a tank! It is not cheap - it would be like the cost of another Plaza, but it is an option if the hamster does continue to bar bite. The theory is that they stop doing it when they have more space - providing there aren't other stresses like cleaning out too much or not enough enrichment, or wheel too small etc.

It would make a lovely big tank style if you did end up needing perspex panels and a much better cage than the Maxi Duna due to more space and options for split levels etc. But then anyone buying the cage AND the panels it could still end up as expensive as an Eco habitat. But - it would still have a large front door which is a big bonus on a cage (IMO).

Hi everyone
I have a bit of an update. Tubes were taken off and apart from the first night, which involved a lot of bar bitting and climbing (including to the blocked off holes at the top of the cage to chew the blocker!) Things have been a little calmer. He sleeps in his house and puts his food in the bowl, but covers the bowl with bedding. However, when in the playpen yesterday he was interacting quite a lot and I think there is potential that the little guy, might actually be a little girl. Is the plaza still suitable? I've researched many cages, I've found one on hamster homes (super large hamster cage), which is slightly bigger, but seems a little short and has three sides covered, with a roof opening only, knowing my hamster's personality, there will quickly be a way to climb to the top as soon as its open! Any thoughts, ideas or recommendations, as I was ready to order?
Aw. how lovely he was interacting and seems calmer. He could very well be a she! You can post a picture to ask members to say if they think so.

I feel the same as you about hamster homes. They are lovely but the height is quite short. They do say they can make them higher but it would cost more. Are you into DIY at all because that may be a better option for you. There are also companies who do custom cages for guinea pigs that work with hamsters.

You could also get a rabbit cage and just put mesh around the bars so your hamster cannot get out the bars.
The Hamster Homes cages are great and a fantastic size. Yes others have commented they could be taller. I think it’s about the same height as the hamster heaven inside. However with the extra floorspace of the 120cm one there is scope to have a deep bedding area for digging and a lower bedding area - ie split level or different levels. They are quite expensive but well made.

If it was the 90cm one you were looking at - that is still possible but not so easy to achieve - it’s not that much bigger than the current cage although woukd give more floorspace.

Also have you seen the eco habitat on Amazon? I think it’s about the same price and taller.

If you had to choose between the 120cm Hamster Homes cage and the Plaza I would go with the Hamster Homes one as there is a lot more floorspace.
Posted at the same time as Rainbow :)
Bar biting, what a nightmare. I've only had 2 bar chewers, my last Syrian was the worst! I tried her in a acrylic tank...she chewed a hole in it. So keep in mind that if you take away the bars he may direct his chewing to plastic parts of the cage.
I'll see if i can get a picture tonight, could be tricky though. I will look at the diy ones again. The split levels could be a good idea, I have a big wheel and I wasn't sure how well it would fit. Is the eco habitat, the living world green one? I will check again.
Yes chewers can be tricky! I think the main thing though is - if you move them to a larger enclosure they are much less likely to bar bite and if you've managed to curb the bar biting before moving them then it will work out I am sure.
Sometimes a glass tank can work too as that cannot be chewed out of.
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I'll see if i can get a picture tonight, could be tricky though. I will look at the diy ones again. The split levels could be a good idea, I have a big wheel and I wasn't sure how well it would fit. Is the eco habitat, the living world green one? I will check again.
Yes it's this one. It also needs a bit of diy (not much) in that the lid has large 2cm holes in as it's intended for guinea pigs, so the lid needs meshing really. You would think they can't get up there, but these are hamsters we're talking about! But the price! Especially if you have to still mesh the lid. Some hamsters have chewed their way out of that as the corner struts of wood aren't that thick. However people have resolved that if it happens by attaching metal brackets on the inside corners.

I have not heard of anyone chewing out of the Hamster Homes cages - they are pretty solid. And often its the space and enrichment that helps them settle so they don't chew anyway.

Bar biting, what a nightmare. I've only had 2 bar chewers, my last Syrian was the worst! I tried her in a acrylic tank...she chewed a hole in it. So keep in mind that if you take away the bars he may direct his chewing to plastic parts of the cage.
Wow, that's concerning. Did you find anything that stopped her?
Female Syrians can be very determined to escape their cages. Do not worry as there are options. :)
It sounds as though he (or she) has really settled down with the chewing problem now so I’d be inclined to stick with the Plaza, it’s a good size & should still be fine if he is a she I would have thought.
I’ve seen very mixed reviews of the eco habitat, it needs waterproofing on the base as well as meshing on top & some say it’s quite flimsy.
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Sorry just updated that last message of mine after editing it!

There is also this one which some people get. I believe the wood can be a bit rough and ready in places so you might need a bit of sandpaper on hand - and I don't think it's waterproofed either so would need some painting up the insides with plasikote. More diy. But it's a lot cheaper than the eco habitat and taller than the other ones. The height can also be an issue though - for fall risks. If they jump from the top shelf eg - they could fall and injure themselves so with that cage there are a couple of options when building it from flatpack. One is to just leave the top shelf out altogether. The other is to have deep bedding and leave the bottom shelf out (ie the top shelf is then signifcantly lower in relation to the surface of the bedding).

Yes for some hamsters no cage is big enough. And female syrians are a bit notorious for needing space. However I think it sounds like your little girl has settled down a bit perhaps and there are ways of settling them into a new cage without it stressing them.

It sounds as though he (or she) has really settled down with the chewing problem now so I’d be inclined to stick with the Plaza, it’s a good size & should still be fine if he is a she I would have thought.
I’ve seen very mixed reviews of the eco habitat, it needs waterproofing on the base as well as meshing on top & some say it’s quite flimsy.
I was thinking the same. Although if it was a choice between the Plaza and the 120cm Hamster Homes cage I'd go for the latter :) I think that one still needs painting inside but I think they give you the stuff to do it with (must check on that as I'm not sure if they're already waterproofed).
Like Elusive, I do like a big front door! For interaction. The alternative, as I mentioned before, is to get a Plaza and then if you find bar chewing continues - get the replacement perspex panels for the sides - but then it would end up costing as much as the Eco Habitat! However it does make a lovely big tank with a front opening door.
If you don't mind doing diy there are tutorials for Ikea Hacks - eg the Linmon cage. There are tutorials on youtube. I think with all materials that comes to just over £100.
Wow, that's concerning. Did you find anything that stopped her?
Nope and I tried EVERYTHING. Nothing worked. Her original owner kept her in a small cage which started the bar biting habit. It took them a while to research and transfer her into a large DIY tank style cage (apparently). So I think it just became a habit. Maybe the act of chewing the bars helped her feel better with being in a tiny cage. Might have been down to endorphins. 'that made me feel good so I'll do it again.' type of thing. It's been very quiet since she passed. I mean, if you ignore the fact that the pigs sound like a herd of elephants at 3am. 😅
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Sorry just updated that last message of mine after editing it!

There is also this one which some people get. I believe the wood can be a bit rough and ready in places so you might need a bit of sandpaper on hand - and I don't think it's waterproofed either so would need some painting up the insides with plasikote. More diy. But it's a lot cheaper than the eco habitat and taller than the other ones. The height can also be an issue though - for fall risks. If they jump from the top shelf eg - they could fall and injure themselves so with that cage there are a couple of options when building it from flatpack. One is to just leave the top shelf out altogether. The other is to have deep bedding and leave the bottom shelf out (ie the top shelf is then signifcantly lower in relation to the surface of the bedding).

Yes for some hamsters no cage is big enough. And female syrians are a bit notorious for needing space. However I think it sounds like your little girl has settled down a bit perhaps and there are ways of settling them into a new cage without it stressing them.

I did look at this one, was a bit concerned about the height, due to some of the comments, but didn't think about the ideas you mention above.