Tino's thread

Yes, true, I remember now. Hopefully he'll become more of a cuddler in time 🥰
Aw, that sucks Maz. But at least he isn't bar biting or trying to escape, Tino doesn't looked stressed there! He's totally just thinking about exploring. Maybe you will get your chance soon
I don't know at the moment as I haven't seen him in person recently! But I reckon he'll be at least 220g. He was 212g last time he was weighed.
Oh wow!
The average syrian in here 120 - 150g.
So Tino really big and happy hamster
Tino looks very content within his home but at the same time, it does look as though he’s looking for you. Let’s hope he decides to start waking earlier soon to pop out and say hi. I’m sure once he knows what fun awaits him he’ll be regularly waking up earlier 🙂
Here he is - excuse my squeaky voice :ROFLMAO: He's got huge ha ha. Tino (AKA "the big one")

He was keen to come out and was trying to climb out so I let him into the tube but then didn't have anywhere to put him while I put his playpen up. So I put the tube on the sofa with it pushed up to the back of the sofa at one end and put something over the other end while I put the playpen up. Got the playpen up, went to get him and the tube was empty. Tino the escape artist! He must have pushed hard. He was wandering around the sofa (which was a deja vu moment!) but did walk back into the tube so I popped him in the playpen :)

He didn't have a lot to do in the playpen, so I put his old first wheel in there. He was so happy to see his old wheel and jumped straight in and ran in it - he missed his old wheel! It's a bit on the small side for him at 10.5" but it's fine for the playpen.

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❤️ Tino is so chonk! I'm sure he's part European hamster! The voice is great, he's looking at you all the time, bonding with you! Very sweet!
If it’s taken him two months to get over a cage change I hate to think what will happen if he has a half clean ….

I suspect he heard all the activity and talking with Higgins.
Sorry about the strange angle on some of the videos :-) The Playpen is round the coffee table, so I had to just stick my phone under the table party. On one video it looks like he's walking up a vertical carpeted wall ha ha.