Tino's thread

Very good to hear Tino has been spotted out and about and then actually wanted to come out and play a little.
Hope this is the start of good times ahead.
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Thank you Coco :-)
Yay, a Tino sighting! I love seeing him approach you at the front of the cage, he is looking good Maz! It sucks when they want an adventure and the play area isn't ready, good thinking getting the wheel in there.

Took him long enough, but I'm really happy to see he's finally ready to interact again. Excited for the fun times you guys are going to have together
It's so great to see Tino, he's looking very healthy. Great videos
Hello Tino! Lovely to see you handsome little man!
He looks so happy and calm wandering around, impressive considering he has been out so little recently 😃🐹🐾
I was thinking the same. He was quite tame with me before he disappeared and it seems to still be there :-) He didn't come out again last night though - not a sign of him.:-)