Blossom 🌸

Oh phew! That’s a relief! Do you think to leave her layout as it is then?? She normally gets upset with any changes!
I have found changing the layout stresses a hamster. They map out their cage and know where every little thing is. I would try and make her some more boredom breakers or add something different in her playpen. Perhaps a different substrate in a different dig box? She may like coco fibre. I notice that is very popular with Syrian hamsters. You could buy some and pop it in a dish for her to explore.
I think cage changes can cause stress too - hamsters get very territorial about their cage environment. Adding the odd new thing is usually accepted well but taking something away can cause major hissy fits or a few charges can stress them a bit and make them feel insecure.

It does sound like maybe she is on heat. Or possibly something else has has set her off!
I’ll keep an eye on her. I can’t think of anything else which would have set her off, but haven’t seen her quite this crazy before!
I was a bit worried that she may be bored with her enclosure 😏
How old is she now?
There you go then :) She's growing up and it's hormones. I'm sure she would like more space - they all do!
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Getting ready for the longer days, she might do more nest building and want to select a nice nest site.
Blossom was funny when I put out her tea. She comes out of her nest to forage. She likes to sit in her food bowl to eat her seeds…it’s very cute 🥰 She also has a smaller tea light holder which I put some of her food in. Normally, she’ll just stand by the side to eat her seed out of the tea light holder, but this time, she sat in it instead! You could just see the confusion on her face, bless her, as she tried to work out why she couldn’t sit in the bowl and eat at the same time 😅