Blossom 🌸

She is beautiful :) I was wondering if you were able to hamsterproof your room so she could free roam maybe and burn off some of that energy :)
Sadly not. It’s far too open with stairs, front door and far too much clutter in every room and too many places to hide. She is so quick, that I would just lose her in seconds! Most of the time, she is absolutely fine. She has gone back to sleep now 😴
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My solution to the open stairs is to put trays across :ROFLMAO: I do have to block off one of the doors as well with a piece of wood and a doorstop behind it to keep it in place. Raffy does tend to walk into a tube if he sees me though, so he is fairly easy to get back.
My solution to the open stairs is to put trays across :ROFLMAO: I do have to block off one of the doors as well with a piece of wood and a doorstop behind it to keep it in place. Raffy does tend to walk into a tube if he sees me though, so he is fairly easy to get back.
Blossom knows that getting in the tube means she's going back in the playbox if she manages to get out (which she did this evening!) so she deliberately avoids it 😏
You might remember during me takeover of the forum in January that me mum were busy filling in an appreciation form (application form 😏) for a job. Well, she ‘ad an interview last week, and she’s only gone and got the job! This means, that I, Blossom will be in charge of the household for 3 days each week while me mum goes and earns some money to buy me treats and other lovely hamstery stuff 👍 There’s sure to be some shenanigans 😝
Blossom - that news from you means that huge congratulations are in order for Mum. So I am sure that if you do a good job in charge for 3 days a week, piles of well deserved treats will come your way!
Blossom has just been out and about in her cage, looking hopefully in all her usual foraging spots for food…it’s tea time mum! Lol. I did the only thing I could do…got up and got her tea for her 😄
I just heard a noise from Blossom’s cage and got up to see what she was doing. She was trying to move her corner toilet with her teeth and paws 🐾 When I fed her just now, I also cleaned out her toilet, which she is using perfectly now. I realised that when I put it back in, some bedding had got caught underneath it and it was wobbling…can’t have a wobbly toilet! Blossom was trying to sort it out! As soon as I’d sorted it out for her, she was happy and went straight back off foraging in her bowl and dig box!