Blossom 🌸

She looks like she's looking for you!
Yes, she’s been very active and chatty this evening :) I was trying to take photos of her, and she kept coming to the front instead to chat :) I gave her a piece of my pear, and she sat and nibbled it 🌸❤️😍
I wonder what she's thinking about :-) Does she get much out of cage time or sofa time?
I wonder what she's thinking about :) Does she get much out of cage time or sofa time?
She doesn’t really like it tbh…she much prefers pottering about in her cage. I did put her in her play box for a bit but she’s not keen. She doesn’t like being handled although she will let me stroke her and will take food from me. The one thing she really does like is a chat! If she hears me about, she’ll come to the front of her cage to chat, and likes it best when I tell her that she’s a good girl, that she’s being clever and that she’s playing nicely 😉🥰
Blossom has been quite active again this evening so came out and had some play box time. She was happier in her play box today, enjoying running through her tunnels and digging all round the box 👍😊
I had to wait till Raffy was a lot older for cuddles :). Some are just so high energy!
Oh, that's interesting to know! Blossom definitely is high energy!! It isn't that she isn't friendly or happy with me being around.