Blossom 🌸

She's a very busy lady :-) I've also had that where you find a big hole down to the cage base with all the substrate gone. It sounds like she might have been cleaning out her own nest and dragged new substrate in there. I just used to add more substrate to fill the hole and remove anything chucked out (like old bedding). Unusual to chuck her hoard out though!
Possibly 🤔 It probably explains that enormous pile of substrate she created a few weeks back...most likely the result of excavating the bedding out if her hide! I haven't filled the space...she seems to prefer it without...not sure whether to fill it of not 🤔 I do remember that when she first cleared out the space under her platform that I did fill it and she immediately cleared it out again!
Haha she sounds like quite the house keeper. Good looking and a hard worker quite a catch for any discerning male hamster!

Kulfi has also dug out a large pile of bedding which I have thrown away. I put some white paper based soft bedding for his to help himself to.
Haha she sounds like quite the house keeper. Good looking and a hard worker quite a catch for any discerning male hamster!

Kulfi has also dug out a large pile of bedding which I have thrown away. I put some white paper based soft bedding for his to help himself to.
That's a good point Tulsi. I might do the same 👍
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