Blossom 🌸

Hopefully once the infections gone things will calm down, I’m the same really any chest infection & my asthma gets out of control at the slightest thing when it’s normally quite well controlled so 🤞 it won’t be long for you.
Did they give you antibiotics and steroids? That seems to be fairly standard! They gave me those when I had covid which I thought was a bit pointless. Didn’t need them in the end.

Yes a chest infection can trigger asthma badly.

I think if Blossom doesn’t affect you unless you do a cage clean it’s more likely to be dust. Although the smell of urine can be quite strong. Its hard to tell sometimes.

I have found Molly is triggering my asthma. I tested all sorts first hoping it wasn’t that but it definitely is and seems worse when she’s on heat. I have only had Syrians and robos before - all male. So I’m not sure if it’s because she is a different species (dwarfs have different allergens) or if it’s because she’s female.

I do hope things settle down soon for you. Antibiotics used to do the trick with me. Plus inhalers of course. If it’s a severe asthma attack it’s usually steroids that help settle it with me. Thankfully I haven’t had one for a long time and sm fairly stable. Unless there is something I sm very allergic to (I am very allergic to most animals - except hamsters - but it seems I’m allergic to Molly.
I think because Blossom is small, she doesn't have enough fur to trigger much of an allergic reaction maybe, but yes, her urine can be strong at times, and dust could well be a factor. Interesting about your allergy being worse when Molly is on heat.
Yup I have the works...steroids, antibiotics, antacids to counteract the side effects of steroids, inhalers, add on asthma medicine...I'm like a walking pharmacy at the moment! It does all help tho, so needs must!
I hope it'll settle down when the steroids kick in in a couple of days. They can work wonders. Hopefully in time for your birthday :)
Uh oh! Miss B does not seem happy! I think all the disruption of paramedics, nurses, late night shenanigans and a substrate change has been messing with her. Looks like a maelstorm has been through her cage last night with resulting carnage! Looks like my Tasmanian devil is back lol 😜 Everything is upended, torn down, ripped to shreds, dug through. Hopefully the next few days will be a little more settled 😏
Before and after photos…
I woke up during the night and had to think hard what the noise was that I could hear…it was Blossom in her wheel! She was really going for it!! She has just come to the bars at the front of her cage for a ‘chat’. Because I haven’t been well, I haven’t been too close or handled her for a couple of weeks, so it was nice to chat today, especially since it’s my birthday 🎂 Miss B shared in my birthday dinner by having some broccoli 🥦 (She didn’t have any cake tho 😉)IMG_7202.jpeg
I forgot to say Happy Birthday! I was so taken with the cake and recipe! Lol. Glad it was nice. And hope you feel better soon.
Thank you 🤩 I’m on the mend now. I’ve finished the steroids and antibiotics thankfully. Still a bit tired and weak and wobbly, but definitely seem to be getting better now 👍
I have just given Blossom a quick spot clean and moved her to her temporary location for the duration of Christmas so I can put the tree up tomorrow 🎄 She doesn’t seem too perturbed by the move! Yet anyway lol 😜 I was initially going to put her on a table, but on top of the piano will be better, I feel, as it’s under the stairs. She should be out of any draughts there and it should be a little bit cosier for her. Her cage just fits on there, so will hopefully be ok 👌
