Blossom 🌸

I‘ve had a cold all week which developed first into laryngitis so I have lost my voice, and now into a chest infection so my asthma has flared up and I’m on antibiotics and oral steroids 🤧😷🤒🤢 I should have spot cleaned Blossom yesterday, but am not up to much, and I also don’t want to pass anything nasty on to her. Do you think she’ll be ok for a few more days until I feel better and can clean her out?
She will be fine. Providing she has enough substrate, you can go a long time really - and if she thinks something needs doing meanwhile she will probably chuck a pile of dirty bedding out herself and drag some new substrate in. Best to just look after yourself and avoid passing anything on. That sounds really unpleasant - I hope things improve soon.
Oh dear, Miss B has had a rather disrupted night! I actually managed to clean her out during the day as I felt a little bit better...I gave her a bit of a substrate change ahead of putting up Christmas decorations at the weekend so she'd be clean and fresh ( relieved to confirm she only has one stash and one wee corner, so spot cleaning will be plenty normally...the rest of her bedding was actually quite clean). Cut to bedtime...I had a flare up of asthma symptoms...NHS 111 sent a paramedic who was supposed to take 18 minutes to get to me, but it took 3 hours! We had to leave all the lights on so he could find the house. Then there I am sat in the lounge at about 3 am having an ecg and other stuff 🙄 Had to go to A and E for a chest xray and get checked out. Home at 6.30 am (fortunately didn't have to be admitted!) to find Miss B had trashed her enclosure! Hopefully will be a quieter day and night tonight!
Really sorry to hear you had such a bad night of it, waiting for an ambulance with an asthma flare up is horrible & A&E is possibly worse! Glad you were able to get back home & not admitted, take it easy tody & hope you feel better soon.
Sounds like Blossom might have been having fun in there, they do like to put things right after we’ve been interfering!
So sorry to hear about your awful night. I hope they got some medication sorted for you at A&E to get you stable again. I have asthma as well. It can be so exhausting if you have an attack. Chest infections can trigger it. Do you think it was cleaning the cage set it off as well? The bedding should be ok if it's paper bedding. I hope your wait at A&E was better than my two day experience last week!
So sorry to hear about your awful night. I hope they got some medication sorted for you at A&E to get you stable again. I have asthma as well. It can be so exhausting if you have an attack. Chest infections can trigger it. Do you think it was cleaning the cage set it off as well? The bedding should be ok if it's paper bedding. I hope your wait at A&E was better than my two day experience last week!
Just waiting for the community respiratory nurse to come this afternoon! Hopefully back on track soon! 🙄🤪 My lungs are super sensitive at the moment. I did wonder if cleaning Blossom out might have released dust into the air. I wore a mask to clean her out to protect both her and myself, and I do have an air purifier in the lounge, but it’s not taking much to set me off at the moment, so it’s possible. Infection is my biggest trigger tho, hence the current flare up of symptoms! Fortunately, our trip to A and E only took a couple of hours including driving, so not bad considering! I did get to see the loveliest sunrise as we came home which was nice 👌
I have asthma and it gets worse after doing anything to my hamsters cage so I have a feeling that may have triggered your attack. I also have an air purifier and have not found it helps when it comes to be doing anything to the cage.

I really hope it calms down for you soon.
I have asthma and it gets worse after doing anything to my hamsters cage so I have a feeling that may have triggered your attack. I also have an air purifier and have not found it helps when it comes to be doing anything to the cage.

I really hope it calms down for you soon.
I think I probably am a bit allergic to her. I was allergic to our dog, and when he passed away, hoped I might have been able to ditch my antihistamines, but I’m still finding I need them. Ah well! I took them every day for 13 years with him so a few more years for Blossom won’t hurt eh 😏 Usually I’m not too bad cleaning her out, but I changed quite a bit of substrate yesterday, and my lungs are super sensitive right now!!
That would make sense as you were allergic to your dog. It is great that antihistamines help with the allergy to animal fur. Hopefully once you recover from this it would not happen again as you are sensitive right now.
That would make sense as you were allergic to your dog. It is great that antihistamines help with the allergy to animal fur. Hopefully once you recover from this it would not happen again as you are sensitive right now.
I would anticipate that once the inflammation from this chest infection calms down things will be back to normal and I won’t be reacting to every little thing!