
I missed filming Henry's last adventure, he seemed unsure if he was still allowed in my room so I taxied him direct for a good rummage on the clothes pile. He threw a big tantrum in front of his castle after, and I wasn't sure why.

I got another one tonight, and figured it out. I've been over stimulating him, and am violating the old one and done interaction rule we had. I've also been confusing him getting on the castle with asking for an adventure, the log used to be that signal. I thought he was having a harder time getting ontop, but it's not the case.

He's still robust and active! I took a picture of him in his new favorite spot. He has a little mound of bedding by the wheel to warm up in, and can go right to the tile for cooling.

Funny enough, after I figured it out tonight Henry was pleased and got up on the log! He's zooming around on an adventure now, what a little smartie
He’s so cute on that photo. I love how he communicates to you
He had a great adventure last night, conquered clothes mountain all the way to the top! Also followed me to the kitchen and checked it out for the first time.

Henry is currently having a good sleep on his tile, with his puzzle ball next to him. He seems super content today

That is so cute he dodos next to his favourite things, and it sounds like a nap was well deserved after climbing the clothes mountain 😊
Great photos of Henry, I think it’s great he’s so relaxed he’ll snooze outside of his nest 🙂
Aw thanks guys, he seems extra pleased since I figured out what he was trying to say :love: . I got him a fresh batch of his favorite treat on the way home, and for the first time I think he overdid it.

I've never had to limit his treats before, he usually eats very responsibly. This sour cream was especially tangy and delicious. You can really see his tongue going thanks to the log in the background: Favorite Treat
Henry was up late last night, it was -24 and even with all 3 heaters on it was a bit chilly and home. He was busy insulating his burrows extra, but only with the right pieces of bedding

Extra Bedding
Henry has had a pretty good week, out for a short adventure each day. I was overdue to replace his sand, and he had a ball today. Then decided it was adventure time, I got some footage.

I love how he is always perfectly behaved on the ride out, he loves to peek. But when he's done he's DONE :ROFLMAO: , I have to cover it on the way back

Henry Departs Sand Planet
Investigation Leads to Peanuts
Sit & Scurry
Aw he is still so active! Lovely seeing him having fun in his sand bath and I love that he hops into that cup and enjoys being carried in it - so cute :-)

I couldn't see the other two well.
I love it when dwarf hamsters sleep in their sand baths :-) Henry seems such a happy little hamster - he is living a good life.