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It wasn't a small teaspoon either! He did well to drag it in. I wonder if the egg fell off along the way! He wouldn't stay out of the cage to eat it when the lights were on I think.
Higgins had some bathtub time tonight :-) I've been meaning to start bathtub time for a while, but every time I was thinking of getting him out, Tino suddenly wanted to come out. Then I had to wait for week-ends so I didn't wake the family up talking to the hamster in the bathroom. Early starts midweek. But tonight he had a session. I think the wait was worth it as he's a bit more confident now. He's happy to let me stroke him and even took food from my hand this time - he was too cautious for that before. He won't walk into a tube from the cage yet, but doesn't run away. I picked him up in the cage and put him in the tube again and he didn't struggle.

I now know why there was a pile of smelly substrate in front of his wheel. He is using the round ceramic hide as a sort of toilet and clearly when it got a bit smelly in there he just chucked the soiled substrate out of the entrance of the ceramic hide. He's actually sleeping in one room in the house. There's a small tunnel goes at the back of the house in the middle back room.

At first he was a bit shy and apprehensive. Did an "ostrich" by sticking his head in the hay house and sitting there for a while, but gradually he got more interested and seemed to enjoy his time out.

Here he is - he is so sweet and adorable :-) Has a nice nature. Not too skitty, curious, and quite gentle.

Here he is noshing after pouching some food

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Investigating the camera

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Peeking out of a tube

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Getting more confident

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He liked the Whimzee

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This photo reminds me of Raffy when he was very young - same pose :-)

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And he does seem to pose and hold it and look adorable at times :-)

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His toilet in the ceramic hide. He's making spot cleaning very easy! His multiroom house is clean and dry with this separate toilet in the round hide :-)

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A couple of short videos as well. When he ate from my hand - and I got nipped! He was just testing my finger and thought it was food probably but it was a fairly hard testing nip which made me jump! Gets curious about the wheel as well.

Excuse my silly voice - I'm talking to him a lot while he gets used to me.

The second one he is being very cute and adorable in the hay house and investigating the camera again.

An absolutely adorable young ham! You two are bonding so well. It is so wonderful the way he looks up at you ❤️
Lovely to see the little man, he really is growing in confidence. He is so handsome and that second video is so cute, Lovely little hammy stretches
Aw thank you both :-). Yes he has started making eye contact a bit and looking up. Towards the end I think that was to tell me he wanted to go back to his cage now.

He is a really long hamster still :-) I find it fascinating. He looks average size apart from his length. Sometimes he reminds me of those buses with a concertina bit in the middle, that go round corners :ROFLMAO: Because it looks a bit like that when he turns a right angle. He bends in the middle at almost a 90 degree angle :-) I'm sure they can all do that but it seems more noticeable with him.
Oh I forgot to mention - no sign of the teaspoon in Higgins house :ROFLMAO:. He must have buried it somewhere.
It is cute isn't it :-) It was that moment. He was shyly in the tube - was he going to back up and turn around in shyness, or was he going to spring out looking confident? He did the latter which was really nice. He wasn't keen on the phone pointing at him from outside the bath - but once I held it at floor level in the bath, he wasn't bothered, and actually quite curious :-) I suppose a typical hamster thing, not liking things from above.
And he's done it again :ROFLMAO: I did scrambled egg again last night and put some out on teaspoons in both Higgins and Tino's cages. This morning - Tino's teaspoon was where I left it - Higgins teaspoon has gone. So Higgins now has two teaspoons somewhere (thankfully we have plenty ha ha).
And he's done it again :ROFLMAO: I did scrambled egg again last night and put some out on teaspoons in both Higgins and Tino's cages. This morning - Tino's teaspoon was where I left it - Higgins teaspoon has gone. So Higgins now has two teaspoons somewhere (thankfully we have plenty ha ha).
You'll need a metal detector before long. He might chuck to
Higgins and Tino both had a bit of cheesy scrambled egg on a teaspoon last night. Tino was in the playpen, so I left Higgins teaspoon in the middle of his cage - he won't usually come out until lights are out.

Then I heard this banging noise coming from Higgins house. I thought - what on earth is he doing in there? And saw the teaspoon itself had disappeared! So he must have dragged the whole teaspoon into the house - hence the banging noise ha ha.
Their strength for such a small creature always surprises me
It does me too Jain :-) I do actually have a small, heavy duty magnet :-) Used it before when I dropped bolts in the bedding while attaching persepex (not with the hamster in the cage, I might add!).
And he's done it again :ROFLMAO: I did scrambled egg again last night and put some out on teaspoons in both Higgins and Tino's cages. This morning - Tino's teaspoon was where I left it - Higgins teaspoon has gone. So Higgins now has two teaspoons somewhere (thankfully we have plenty ha ha).
What about setting his treat on a square wood chew? He can keep it and use it later
I hadn't thought about that :-) Good idea. I'm just in the habit of using teaspoons :-) And am finding it quite funny!