Jas, the hamster formally known as Jasper

We have noticed that Jas doesn't move as lightly on her feet as she used to. She has a little perch to help her onto her platform (as well as a bridge), so tonight we moved the perch up ever so slightly, so it's a bit easier for her. From past experience, we all know that Jas doesn't like to use things as they are intended🤔. Well what Jas decided this meant, was instead of a little step up to the platform to get to her bottle, she would sit on the perch, reach up and drink her water from there. 🤣
They're so funny aren't they? :ROFLMAO: Maybe she is being very practical! This is definitely the age where their back legs often don't get them where they want and there's a need to look at levels and all sorts so they can't fall. When Raffy started with that, it's when I had to take his sputniks out - he couldn't quite get in it - although could get out of it easily enough.
Yeah, we are starting to have a think. We actually took her sputnik out a while ago. I think it might actually be the plastic texture of the shelf, as she doesn't have any problems with the other one, which is wood. It's almost like she can't grip it properly.
I remember you saying that now :) There probably don't need to be a lot of adjustments. I had platforms a bit lower to the substrate and shallower ramps. At some point I flattened the substrate quite level as well but it doesn't sound like she's having problems walking - just back leg push strength maybe.

I have an image of her sitting on the little shelf having a drink :-) It would be great to see a photo of that.
Little girl came out for a some play time today. We gave her some baby food, she likes it very much. When can I give her some more?
I tried to weigh her, but I couldn't manage it and I didn't want to stress her out, as she doesn't come out much anymore.
Lovely to see her. She's gorgeous. It wouldn't do any harm to start giving her a bit of daily baby food :) Or porridge, as a treat. It could be a new routine. She'll start expecting it every night and you might see a bit more of her :-) I used to put it on a separate little dish (it's actually a dolls tea set plate ha ha). Just about half a teaspoonful so it doesn't fill her up and she still eats.

I was just thinking as well it might be an idea to see if she could start on some metacam. At two years old they can have aches and pains we don't know about and you mentioned her back legs recently. They probably won't get stronger, but she might have a bit of arthritis. It can sometimes give them a new lease of life having a bit of daily pain relief.

You'd probably need a vet visit to get some prescribed, but I'm sure they'd give you some - to keep her comfortable now she's two. And you could give it in the baby food.
How long does the baby food last in the fridge?
Normally only a few days. I used to open a couple and freeze small amounts in ice cub trays, then empty them into little bags in the freezer ready to use. Then I’d just pick one out each morning of whichever flavour I thought and thaw in the fridge ready for night time.
It depends on the brand. Some say 24 hours some say 48 hours. So if it's 48 hours you get three days worth out of it. The day you open it, and two days after that. As Zara says you can freeze some in ice cube trays, but some say do not freeze. I've tended to just accept the wastage.
Presumably you could do what (some) new mums do, and make your own, which would then be fine to freeze 🤔
That's an idea :-) Although it sounds like hard work to me :ROFLMAO:
It does get a bit expensive wasting them, but I used to get multipacks on Amazon. This one was usually a favourite with all the Hamsters. Sweet Squash and chicken. It's £5 for 6 jars so if it only gives two days worth that's £5 for 12 days at a time. When it starts to get expensive is if a hamster is on meds for a long time.

Sweet Squash and chicken

It might be cheaper to stick with porridge for a while :-)
It does get a bit expensive wasting them, but I used to get multipacks on Amazon. This one was usually a favourite with all the Hamsters. Sweet Squash and chicken. It's £5 for 6 jars so if it only gives two days worth that's £5 for 12 days at a time. When it starts to get expensive is if a hamster is on meds for a long time.

Sweet Squash and chicken

It might be cheaper to stick with porridge for a while :-)
Here in the USA the baby food lasts about a week and is freezable.
Normally only a few days. I used to open a couple and freeze small amounts in ice cub trays, then empty them into little bags in the freezer ready to use. Then I’d just pick one out each morning of whichever flavour I thought and thaw in the fridge ready for night time.
Ty zara for the like!
Presumably you could do what (some) new mums do, and make your own, which would then be fine to freeze 🤔
Butternut squash is very palatable and can be frozen nicely as an alternative if Jas gets bored with porridge. A drop of honey might help too.