Little Jas update. We don't see too much of her now, she doesn't come out for playtime very often, if she does, it's usually quite a long time, but that is because she goes to sleep in her house in the playpen. She does come out in her home, first to get the baby food, then sometimes again once I've put her other food out.
We've made a few adjustments to her home, to help her get around. We've lowered one of the platforms and built a ramp to get up to the other one.
We had to convince her to come out today, as I had to clean her burrows. She wasn't happy when she got back, she started to sleep in her little toilet (she doesn't use it as a toilet, it just has bedding in, but it's above ground) and she still has stuff in her pouches.
We ended up digging her a hole from the other side, I was worried she couldn't manage it. She has now gone underground. Hope she will forgive me soon.