
Thanks everyone :)
Definitely some character there Beryl, I’m loving watching her personality come out!
I’m sure she has built something ilguy it’s just really hard to see what she’s been up to with so much stuff in her cage! I can hear digging in the house & the doors well blocked off, she has a hide by her wheel & the door to that has disappeared under a pile of substrate too so I think she’s been quite busy.
Congratulations! Liriel is beautiful, great to hear she’s settling in well in her new home and starting to make tunnels and nests. Funny she’s already blocked an entrance, sounds like she’s going to be a great character. Love the videos, look forward to hearing more as she settles in 😊
Thanks Zara.
Chineseys always block the entrance to their houses, it’s probably the first thing they do! They’re super secretive about their burrows.
Bit of an update on Liriél.

It seems to be a bit of a pattern with Chinese hams going into a skittish phase after a promising start which she did but after backing off a bit & giving her a bit of space after a few days we’re pretty much back where we were now.
She did make me laugh though as she couldn’t seem to help herself & would come running over to me only to turn tail & run off again!
She’s a lot more skittish in the evenings which I’ve had with other Chinese who seem to want their own space more in the evening but much more interactive in the early morning, that suits me so I don’t mind.
The last couple of days she’s really learnt to stuff her pouches & her cheeks are often bulging now.

Haven’t managed any more photos yet, apart from the skittish phase she’s incredibly fast, even for a Chinese she’s surprises me & appears to almost fly around the cage!

I am just a bit concerned that she doesn’t seem to chew anything hard, she hasn’t touched a mini toothbrush or a sea creature chew (which Meri went absolutely mad for) she has pumpkin seeds in the shell in her mix & doesn’t seem to be eating them or her unhulled buckwheat although she loves her buckwheat sprouts.
She’s obviously eating ok but I’ll have to keep an eye on that in case she has any tooth problems & I may have to remake her mix which will be a pain as I made loads!
She doesn’t seem overly keen on any chicken treats I’ve tried so far, she does have some tofu & loves calciworms so I might have to look at some other protein options too.

So far taming/bonding seems to be slow but sure overall & I have to keep reminding myself she hasn’t even been here two weeks yet!
Aw she does sound like she wants to be brave but just can’t make her mind up :)

Maybe she’s not quite familiar with certain things yet but it does seem unusual to avoid hard things. But then sometimes they need to learn what things are do maybe it’s a phase. I wonder if she would try a monkey but in its shell with a hole at one end as a starter.
I’m hoping that’s what it is, I have got some monkey nuts to try but was just waiting a bit as she’s had a few nuts as treats, I did half peel a pumpkin seed a couple of times & they disappeared after a couple of nights but I’ll have to have a hunt & see if she ate them or they just got into the substrate.
She seems very healthy so far so I’m not too concerned, just something to keep a watch on.
Aww, I love that she comes to see you but then remembers she is shy.

You have lots of experience but she reminds me of when I first adopted Orko. He was unable to eat anything unless it was tiny. He would not touch mealworms, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. It was like he had to learn how to. Just thought I would share that. I know you know far more then I do. 😊
Thanks Rainbow, I remember that about Orko. It’s a good point, she is still a baby really & I don’t think she had any natural food before, she does seem to love food so I expect she’ll soon learn!
Does the mix have any little pellets? Might be good to have a little bit of what she's familiar with early on. I wonder how long it will take for her to stop being skittish. At least she's not afraid of human contact entirely
I make my own mix so it’s all natural, she seems to be doing fine with the smaller seeds & grains, it’s just the harder things she’s leaving at the moment.
She’s already coming out of the skittish phase, still a little bit but she was only really skittish for a couple of days.
She is! I did get another little snippet of video but she was even quicker than that so she was just a blur!

I was half expecting her not to come out yesterday evening as it’s very exposed where I am & the noise from the wind & rain was really loud, she did come out but was a bit jumpy so I went & got her a tiny pice of macadamia nut.
I put it on my palm & she was so excited by the smell she tried two fingers before she found it, at least I know her teeth are plenty sharp enough now!