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I liked both - they were on my shortlist - and I chose Millie but for some reason keep calling her Molly!
Yeah- I got confused. Maybe I read something wrong? No. You just keep calling her Molly when her name's Millie. But I do the same thing. L. Bear used to be called Buddy, but I had to change it because I already have a dog named Buddy. I still call him Buddy anyway though.
Neither was I! :ROFLMAO: Originally she just did it at the blocked end of the tunnel but there she did it all the way along and at the open end too. I'm guessing she is trying to push it open! Maybe I should start keeping a diary like you Hank, as she was particularly fast and restless last night.
Great video of Molly, cheeky little lass trying to jump out the bin too. She really is so speedy, I’ve no idea re the tube rolling around but she looks like she’s enjoying herself and her little legs kicking out really make me chuckle, at one point she rolls right out looks kinda surprised 😁 🤣
Well since that video, Molly has been awol for two nights. Admittedly I wasn’t around late afternoon and tea time yesterday. But she didn’t come out later either - or this afternoon or this evening. I’m sure she’s ok as her veg has gone.

I had a peak inside her house and think she must be sleeping underneath it - some rooms are stuffed with paper - one looks like it might have a tunnel going down under it but couldn’t see properly.
Molly must have heard me thinking - she just came out. She doesn’t seem to be able to get into pumpkin seeds in their shells.
Aw she mastered the pumpkin seeds pretty quick!
They often seem to go awol for a bit after all the initial excitement, just part of the settling & making themselves at home process I think.
Thank you all. Jain - she appeared later in the evening and after being out in the bin I popped her back in her cage and to my horror found her a few minutes later, hanging from the roof again! I thought - she can’t possibly get up there - the entire front is Perspex!

I put my hand under for her to step on and come down, which she did, but proceeded to do this a few more times! I watched how she got up there. Although the entire front is Perspex, there is a tiny gap between where the Perspex ends on one side and where it starts on the door panel. About 1 to 2 mm max! So she was getting a foot or toe into these two tiny gaps and climbing up. Once she got to the top she would lean across and get a foothold in the gap where the door latch is and then reach the roof from there.

From there she would proceed to kind of monkey bar across the cage using her teeth and hanging by her front paws!

This was getting me quite worried. I lifted her down a few times and she was straight back up again! In the end I removed the rainbow bridge at the front, so she could only land on substrate if she dropped - and covered the bendy stick bridge with hemp mat. It’s not a long way to fall as there is so much bedding in there, but it is about 23cm. I was worried she would get injured if she kept doing it.

So I sat there late last night thinking - I’m going to have to get a different cage! Or buy the full Perspex. It would be a better investment to get a new tank style cage (eg the bucatstate with the front opening door) as it’s only £50 more than the cost of the full Perspex. On the other hand it’s still a lot of money!

In the end, late at night I realised it is only the front she can do this - because of the door. She can’t do it at the sides or back because the Perspex at the top is deeper. So I have just bought the front full Perspex panel.

I set up the new nightcam last night to keep an eye on things but unfortunately can’t seem to get it to record all the time! It only recorded when detecting movement - and missed a lot of hamster movement. So I don’t have any video recordings of what she was doing!

Now I think it’s for attention. While she was out of the cage - Raffy was pestering to come out! So after I put her back in she watched me get Raffy out - and he free roams!

Anyway I think her landings are protected until the full front Perspex arrives. That will mean semi dismantling the cage!
My goodness she's a smart one and will keep you on your toes. I priced up perspex to make a barricade and was shocked at the price hence using cardboard not ideal but ok in the situation I needed it for but hopefully yours will prove a good investment.
She is quite a handful isn’t she! She does remind me of Mickle quite a lot with the attention seeking behaviour I think it’s a bit of a trait in females, never a dull moment.
Hopefully the perspex will sort things though & she won’t keep scaring you like that. I wonder what else she’ll think of…!
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