Rodipet House for Davy?

Just to add. The reason he had a small en suite ceramic toilet here was because a large one wouldn't fit inside his Ferplast house.

He did have a plastic corner toilet with sand outside his house but like my Rory refused to get up during the day to use it.

I think a plastic corner toilet with sand inside a chamber could work but he may well relocate his bathroom.

ps: Davy get the shades out, your mum's reaching for the paintbrush 😎
Yes they don't always do what you want! Hopefully he will use the toilet inside the separate room :-) Most of mine have. I did have one hamster though who chose one of the tiny back compartments as a toilet, well away from his nest. It was very neat of him but a toilet tray wouldn't fit in there. So I buried the toilet tray under that compartment!
OK great will get a nice dark colour for the inside so he doesn’t wake up & see pink 😁.

The config looks good on the pic so as you suggest will replicate that.

Thanks RainbowBrite I now feel better about plastikoting everything!

His shelves are all painted & he hasn’t mentioned they are slippy 😁. He is such a tiny little boy I think that helps
OK so these are few pics of his current set up after I had fitted the tubes (courtesy of his Aunty Beryl she gave me loads 🥰). I have not seen him slip on his shelves although they do look quite shiny in the pics….


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Lovely photos. He's such an alert, nosey and happy looking little boy in his colourful home.

Tip: if you lay the jar on its flat side, he has another place to step or sit on. I attach a round piece of hemp mat (bird section at paradise pets) with a dab of plastikote.

I didn't have a spare hemp mat so glued (Elmer's school glue) a round piece of cardboard on top of Lawrence's sandjar.

Davy looks totally adorable and happy on the photos.

I think all the shelves can stay as they are except above house level (if Beryl doesn’t mind me suggesting that). The front corner one could just go a bit higher so it’s above the house. The two smaller back ones would be fine as they are. You’d lose the tube across the back by having the wheel there but could use them at floor level.

I would add a bit more substrate :-)
If you have any little bridges or bendy bridges they would make easy access onto the left shelves from the top of the house roof. It’s probably best to get the house in place before deciding how high or low to put the shelves (so they work with the bridges).
I can’t see what’s on the right hand side of the cage except for the small shelf with the tube running to it - but maybe the tubes could go across the right hand end if there is nothing else there. They could lead from the right hand small shelf , attached to the right hand side bars, down at an angle from the shelf down to the top of some other item right front . Eg sloping down tubes.
Yep thanks all good ideas there 😁.

If I can put house on left tho perhaps wheel could stay where it is, ie on RH wall?

Will have a play would be nice to keep all his stuff in there if I can.

I keep adding handfuls of substrate but he treads it all down 🙄.
If I can put house on left tho perhaps wheel could stay where it is, ie on RH wall?

Good point! You don’t really need to change anything exceot the height of the left hand shelves then - so all more familiar for him and less change. The house will be a positive change - he’ll like that. However, personally I would remove his old house at the same time

1) So he uses the new one and moves in straight away.
2) I’ve found hamsters can get a bit confused and indecisive if there are two houses (other than smaller hides like coconuts), The old house could be used for out of cage time maybe. Then you’ve got space to add something else there - maybe a cardboard dig box or something? He will adjust quickly to those small changes and nice new things :)
Yes that sounds like a plan. I will take the old one out and give it a good scrub inside.

I still want to use it as it is a masterpiece and demonstrates my painting skills. Even Davy was impressed. Not! 🤣