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Rodipet House for Davy?

I'm really curious to hear how Davy will react to his MCH and what he will do where. That's a lot of rooms to choose from and hamsters are so unpredictable.
It’s 8cm stilts.

I am going to do the best I can to ‘suggest’ which rooms he uses (ie bigger one for his bedroom, and back centre one for his loo etc.). But at the end if the day he can do what he likes.

As long as he doesn’t put Bed, food hoard & toilet all in the one room cos then I will have wasted £40!!! 😳.
They sometimes have bed and hoard on one room (hoard buried under nest) but I’ve never known one pee on the nest in one of those houses - they use a separate room. I think they just like an en-suite toilet! It’s the first thing mine do when they wake up - go to the sand toilet - because they can do that in the dark and private without having to leave the house I think that may be why the use the toilet.
OK so its looking good then. Will hope for the best. I often hear him bumbling about in the morning, in his house. I think he is having breakfast!

In his new house he will be able to have a kitchen. And a lounge!

Getting carried away. Shoot me now 🥴x