Rodipet House for Davy?

That’s really good news, have fun with painting on Monday! Are you going to put it together first or paint it first, I haven’t had that particular house but I have had some slot together ones & if the joins are tight they don’t fit after painting so something to think about maybe.
Elusive I have a plan! 😁
I am going to fit it together, then with my paintbrush I am going to colour code the rooms buy making 2 little dabs on each of the inside joins. When I take it apart hopefully this will show me where to paint, so that it leaves margins of bare wood where is all slots together. Thats the theory anyway 🤔. Then the rooms should be wipe-clean.

I would like to do something creative with the outside but will see how slippy the wood is once painted.
What works for me is to put it together and then paint it. That way I could be sure it would all fit together. :)

I put cork on the top to stop it from being slippery.
Exciting! Yes I think that is something to be careful of. If it's painted before it's put together, it may not fit together. I've had that issue before and I think Rainbow has too. It's surprising how just a thin layer of paint makes things too tight. Different coloured rooms sounds lovely!
Yes agree. That’s what happened to the Ferplast one he’s in now 🙄.

we got it to fit together in the end but it took a bit of Husband intervention 😁.
It's ok. I deleted the first one :-) You can actually edit or delete yourself but the option disappears after about 15 minutes.

I think with so many pieces to fit together it could take quite a bit of husband intervention! Or a lot of sandpaper. Some people just put them together first and then paint them. That means it'll never come apart again though, if that matters.
Are there different ways of putting it together as in different room layouts or is there only one way of assembling it?
I think he will love it. Providing the old house isn’t there any more he’ll probably just move straight in (especially if there’s a pile of toilet paper strips outside it).

They accept new things being added quite well especially if it’s something they like. He may be a bit confused at the shelf height being slightly different but he’ll soon adapt to that.
Just had a look at the HHH house Maz linked. I guess that's the one with 8cm stilts?

Personally, i'd use clear plastikote inside and colour outside in case you have to rearrange the interior walls.
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