
I love that first photo! She looks happy and curious and very confident to be on you. It's lovely to see her progress. I have lots of photos like the last one ha ha.
Bless her she really is doing well, I felt bad how scared she was at first but it's so nice really making a connection with her. She will even let me wrap my fingers around her now, so she's a little safer when picked up. She does still get a little jumpy if I move too fast but baby steps! She's happy enough in spite of that 😀
Little Saffron graced us with her presence this afternoon 😀 it's lovely to see her and spend some time with her, usually she's gone before I can get over to her with something to convince her onto my hand without nipping 🤣 she's certainly grown into a lovely chunky adult!

Shes a good girl really 😅 I'd imagine it's part of being a hybrid, it definitely seems to be compulsive rather than out of fear or meaness at this point! Once she's out of the cage she's absolutely fine and will let me restrain her, roll her over etc (I'm trying to get her used to ever needing to go to the vet or be given medication) without any sign of fear, but in the cage she's very twitchy about her space being invaded. I'm going to work on getting her to walk into a cup rather than my hand to see if she's more content to do that, or whether she will just bite the cup.. I tried with a loo roll tube for a while but she just chewed the tube 🤣
She sounds a bit like the one female russian I had, very territorial in her cage & no problem at all out of it, I found if i put my hand by the door rather than in the cage she would happily climb onto it & she did get better about the cage over time, offering her a mug or something she can climb into is probably the easiest solution.
I am meant to be getting ready for a friend's birthday bbq but of course Saffron has made a rare appearance so I've been having a chat and taking pictures so thought I would share them here 😊
