Second chance hamsters

Thinking about it, maybe Eddie was the less dominant ham. The last pair we had to coax and catch to get them out of the tank but Eddie literally run to the door soon as the shop assistant opened it. He wanted out of there and dropped himself into my carrier.

His brother followed but i couldn't take him which is bothering me.
Wondering if the 10" wheel is too big for Eddie.

Aww his back legs looks so clumsy. Hopefully he'll get the hang of it soon!

So glad you rescued him before he had to endure more of that situation. His bedsit will still be a huge relief!
Hopefully his brother will find a loving home too. I understand why it is bothering you.
Maybe his dietary situation is why he is clumsy on the wheel. Wondering if he doesn't have much muscle. I doubt the pet store would have been giving him good quality food or supplementing with extra protein...
Thinking about it, maybe Eddie was the less dominant ham. The last pair we had to coax and catch to get them out of the tank but Eddie literally run to the door soon as the shop assistant opened it. He wanted out of there and dropped himself into my carrier.

His brother followed but i couldn't take him which is bothering me.
That does sound likely, it’s horrible having to leave one behind, when I got Cal I had to wait a week before I could go back & get Gsto (they were in a tiny tank together with no enrichment for about 3 months I think) & it was really worrying.

I think AJ has a good point about his muscle strength too, I’m sure that will improve though.
His back legs look a bit splayed and he looks kind of odd with his tiny head.

Yes, what A_J said totally makes sense. I don't think they were in the shop that long but wherever they spent their early life, i don't think they were looked after.

He just climbed around on me and that's when i noticed that his back legs kind of stuck to my hand, if that makes any sense.

He's not scared of me, just a bit nervous. He climbed into my sleeve and sat on my arm washing. Didn't bite or nibble me.

I'll see how he gets on with that wheel but can try him with other wheels.
That's a tricky one - on the one hand it would show people what it looks like when dwarf hamsters are fighting. On the other hand, it can be upsetting for people (and it's fairly obvious when they're fighting) - so might be better not to put the video on here, if that's ok.

I am sure Eddie will soon thrive on a healthy diet and environment.
Sorry just caught up with the posts after that. I think a bit of time and observation to see if his gait improves maybe? He could even have been born like that. Or do you think he doesn't have full movement in his back legs?
That's a tricky one - on the one hand it would show people what it looks like when dwarf hamsters are fighting. On the other hand, it can be upsetting for people (and it's fairly obvious when they're fighting) - so might be better not to put the video on here, if that's ok.

I am sure Eddie will soon thrive on a healthy diet and environment.
They weren't fighting yet but squeaking and squabbling. We got to them in time i think.

More a matter of early warning signs the pet shop didn't reckognize and inexperienced people probably wouldn't either. I checked with two more experienced people myself.

The pair before those two were more obvious (to me, not the pet shop) because one was chasing the other.
Sorry just caught up with the posts after that. I think a bit of time and observation to see if his gait improves maybe? He could even have been born like that. Or do you think he doesn't have full movement in his back legs?
He moves without any issues.

Yes, that's true, Bernard's back legs looked like Eddie's. Bernard was a skinny little thing on arrival and Eddie feels like that.

Eddie runs better on the wheel now. They only had a tiny wheel in the petshop and probably haven't had one before. A bigger wheel is maybe something new to Eddie.
He might do better with one with a cork surface maybe - but I'm sure he'll get used to the current one once he gets the hang of it.
My OH just stroked him and said that he could feel his backbone. Poor little thing.

I'll order cage attachments for the other 9in Silent Runner and set up the Hamster Heaven for him once i know what he likes to do.
It happened once before with Edwina. She chose me and climbed on me first time we met. It was like she wanted to live with us.

I'm getting a similar vibe of Eddie. He kept climbing up me and sat on my shoulder sniffing my face like he was trying to tell me that he wanted to stay here.

Hamsters aren't usually that comfortable with unfamiliar humans.
Wow, this really was meant to be. He looks so comfortable already. It is like when Bernard arrived and he was so excited to have lovely things to play with and to explore.

Eddie climbing on you and sniffing you is so beautiful. :love: