Second chance hamsters

Hello Bobbi 😍
That looks like a nice little set up for him, I’m sure the 7” wheel would be fine for him to start off with anyway.
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Goodness. You do have your hands full! He does look a little thin around the face but looks in reasonable condition otherwise - although only handling can tell I guess. I'm sure he'll soon fatten up. Assume you'll have to wait for the rescue to find him a home - or advertise him?
Aww bless! So many new things to explore! He does look smaller than Eddie but looks ok, just needs a bit of TLC I expect.
I know what you mean, when I had four hams I sometimes felt a bit stretched not being able to give them the time they wanted when they wanted it but for now I’m sure Bobbi will be happy just to have a nice comfy home, good food & a bit of peace.
Aww he looks so bright and happy! He seems really excited to have such a wonderful home. I am so happy you rescued him and Eddie. I loved the way you and your OH chatted to him too.
That looks so much fun! Wow, hasnt Eddie settled in quickly?
Those little paws 😍 Looks like Bobbi will soon be growing!
Eddie has settled in quickly, that was clearly meant to be.
The improvised play area looks great too.
Aww his little paws😍 You must be on a high rescuing Eddie and Bobbi and seeing how happy they are.
Yes, it really bothered me to leave one behind but i'm not going anywhere near adoption tanks in the near future.

I agree that Bobbi needs some comfort for a while to give him a chance to thrive.

While he does that, i'll think about how best to try and find him a good forever home.

I don't feel that a large cage is priority at the moment and can wait until he is stronger.
I can understand that. Bobbi is very happy right now and I know you will help him to get healthy.
Eddie weighs 45g which is a normal weight for a dwarf. The new scales from Aldi work a treat. Just pop the hamster in and he can't get out.
Aw im so happy Eddie's brother has been adopted. I hope all goes well collecting the Syrian.
I'm really happy today. The Syrian girl i collected lived in the awful Pico cage with a tiny wheel etc so i took her straight to the rescue where she moved into a well set up Linmon. Their standards are high and she won't be moving into anything less than what she's in now.
The little cutie looks very pleased with herself.
