Second chance hamsters

I've just made this connection between Edwina and Eddie/Edward.

When we got Edwina, we were on the Thomas the tank name theme and said that our next hamster is going to be called Edward. Then this little girl chose me and we had an Edwina instead.

It's lovely he likes you :) All I can say is - you will have your hands full with Eddie and Lilly ha ha. I hope they don't fall in love! (or hate!)
Eddie and Lilly don't live in the same room. Lilly is a morning hamster who freeroams in the hamster room. Eddie freeroams in the hall playground but it won't be at the same time of the day so there shouldn't be a problem.
Dwarfs and Robos don't seem to react to the opposite sex like Syrians do.
I think the only one who will be miffed is Clive.
I was only joking about Eddie and Lilly :-) But yes I did wonder about Clive!
Interesting he is ok with Robos but not dwarfs. Maybe dwarfs are too similar a species.
Eddie really does seem settled such a cute photo of him up on your shoulder, love his colouring too. He‘s a speedy mover as well, great video.
The rescue will have a space for Eddie's brother tomorrow so i'm hoping that he's still there. I'm working today untill 07.00 tomorrow and couldn't get him today anyway. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Rescue lady said that she was waiting for my text to tell her that we are keeping Eddie.
I also thought you would keep Eddie. I hope his brother is at the shop tomorrow but if not hopefully it means he has a lovely home.
That’s great that you got him, is he going to the rescue or staying with you for a while?
Thank goodness he is safe and with you now. Do you know how long they were there for? I wonder how well they are fed there because I think Orko was also thin when I first adopted him.
Oh dear. Due to sudden and unforseen circumstances, the rescue is currently unable to take Eddie's brother as per plan.

Got a spare dwarf now. Anybody want a dwarf, lol?

Oh well, it's not dwarfie's fault. I'll set up the playbin for him and take it from there.

I didn't ask how long they've been there because i find their info somewhat unreliable. I don't know how many animals they keep in their back room.

It said on the sign that they were available since begin of January which can't be right because i got the previous pair of dwarfs from the same adoption tank on 21. January.
  • Haha
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Oh no! I would love to take him but I do not have money if he needed a vet.

I can see your point. They may tell you a lie. Thankfully this little one is safe with you now.