I've just come back from a tip run of a car load of small cages from rescue hamsters and cages from the small ads taken out of circulation.
One cage in particular made me sad and mournful. A small pet shop own brand cage, marketed as a medium. All the signs of a sad little life that deserved so much more were there. The hamster ball, the flying saucer that didn't spin, the little chewed up wooden house, the opened bags of Snowflake and hay, dirty tubes, plastic bowl and bottle.
I've kept a small cage as an emergeny or overnight cage and set it up. I'm going to advertise it to show people that it is possible to enrich even a small cage including the use of recycling. I purposely made it colourful to get it noticed. I'll advertise it as a holiday cage and will add the recommended minimum cage size requirements.
Something positive needs to come out of this sad tip run.