Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

Socks: So OK, I ate up my lovely veggies and a little piece of extra mature cheddar early in the evening. Mom was tired (she got up to feed the gin gins at 5am, if you do that it's not surpring you are tired at 9pm!) and went to bed while there was still some light in the sky.
Mom: I woke up a few hours later to hear Socks scrunching on dried forage and clearly enjoying it. He has a mixture of Little One and Bunny Nature along with forage, veggies and salad.
Socks: I hope Mom remembers to get more Nibblots! I did as quite a bit of wheel running last night and need my meal plan to be just right!
Leftovers this morning 🥗


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Mom: last night I mentioned doing a health check to Socks and he did an enormous flump, kicking bedding up which flew out of the cage and past my nose. Socks flumped into his seagrass tunnel and then flumped out of it into his house, which doesn't have a door to bang, but I could imagine one.
Socks: I got up early(ier) this evening and caught the tube to the shower room for a quick run around. Mom was so pleased to see me she gave me a sort of cuddle, which I don't really do, well, for longer than a few seconds...unless bribed with something really tasty 😋
Mom: Socks sat still in my hands while I stroked him and told him he's a good boy. Then he got restless, so I had a quick squiz at him and he seems problem free and healthy. His fur has pale areas, sort of grey in places where you can see his cream ancestry showing through. He stayed in his tunnel for most of the time. We didn't grab the sand bath in time, so missed out, but perhaps tomorrow we'll get a bath sorted. It is super to see him again!
Glad to hear Socks is nice and healthy :) I wonder how he'll behave after his health check.
Unfortunately I forgot to get the phone last night to get some Socks photos. He ran on his wheel a lot and has cleaned out his veggie bowl and gone through his dry food. The gin gins next door are separated ATM as things got rather heated at 4am this morning. Polo is asleep in his snuggle sack and Truffle is trying to get through the cage divider. 😐


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Thanks Max. I cleaned out the cage yesterday a bit too thoroughly. They had been getting bits of hemp stuck in what is affectionately known as their boar pouch, so as it was bin day, I decided to do a big substrate change to the nice aspen chipsv I used in Socks cage. The fallout started at 4 am this morning as they are crepuscular. I am glad to say that as the day gets warmer, they have become more sleepy and they are back together. Polo has made a nest in the extra hay I gave them. I've removed the single entrance hides and joined two cardboard tunnels. Hopefully they are back to normal.
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It was rather sweet, Truffle was whimpering almost for Polo, who was quite relaxed on the other side of the partitionwhen I gave Truffle Polo's snuggle sack, he stood beside it and then started to eat his hay, relieved his herd mate's smell was with him.
Fortunately the gin gins didn't actually fight, but I thought Polo needed a break, and Truffle was chattering his teeth and looking rather psycho piggy. He was chasing Polo round and round to the point where Polo was getting a bit desperate. After an hour in the guinea pig cells, Truffle was more relaxed. I put in plenty of hay throughout the cage and it seems to have helped to calm them. At one point Truffle was so distracted that he let me pick him up without trying to run away, which is the first time ever.
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Socks: my pictures make me look like a zoo animal!
Mom: Aw, they're cute! (They were taken this afternoon when Socks popped out for a drink of water. His veggie bowl wasn't ready because I had been sitting with the gin gins, who are still a bit on edge.


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He's looking very cute :-) He looks like he's turning a bit brown on some of the photos rather than very dark/black - unless it's just the light.
Thank you! Yes, his fur has a paler underlayer. I think black hamsters are a result of crossing cream and another coat colour, so the cream colour could be coming through.
I had a black and white Syrian in the past and the black parts started to go brown in places - I believe it's normal for the coat to change colour slightly. Pedigree cream hamsters end up looking quite orange as they get older :-)
We love them even more for it!
Socks: She's going all soppy on me!😄
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Bell pepper, broccoli, extra mature cheese, peas and a Nibblot!
His coat looks so lovely and glossy 😊
Thank you! He came out just in time for some photos 🙂
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