Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

Socks: Mom is a bit obsessed with health checks 🙄 I know I like to have my veggies early and then rise a little later in the evening but shining the torch in my eyes while I am sitting on my wheel relaxing is a bit trying.
Mom: I was trying to see inside Socks' ears and he got so annoyed with the torch, he went into his burrow and didn't come out for a few hours. He isn't showing any signs of any health problems though. It was just a routine check 🙂
Socks: so I knew Mom was sitting beside my veggies bowl yesterday, waiting to see if she could see me when there was still a bit of light left. I came out in the dusk, but she could see that I look fit, exercise alot and have a good appetite besides.
Mom: I left some hazel nuts from my Granola for Socks and he cheered up quite a bit 👍🌰
Oh dear. 🤣 I tend to look in the ears when Raffy is sitting on my arm for a stroke - although he doesn't sit for long!
Mom: Socks left the nuts in his bowl, but ate everything else. That's strange!
Socks: Here Mom, you don't need to go without your treats for me.
Mom: Aw, he's so sweet! ❤️
Aw he left you some nuts :-). Maybe he’s just saving them for later.
Socks: So Mom is concerned about my thinning fur and has made an appointment to see a vet on the 20th. I haven't been to the vet before, and don't think I will like it, but if it helps this **** itchiness, Ok will be pleased. Can't have a skimpy coat now Winter is on the way!
Mom: I'm worried about Socks, so a vet visit is the way to go. I hope all goes well for my pal. Perhaps all the campaigning has stressed him.
Oh poor, Socks.
Hopefully he is okay and can regain his coat again.
Socks is so obedient, socks won't let mom sad and worried a lot.
Oh poor, Socks.
Hopefully he is okay and can regain his coat again.
Socks is so obedient, socks won't let mom sad and worried a lot.
Thank you! Socks is a good boy ❤️
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It can be a bit worrying going to the vets for the first time, but I'm sure Socks will be fine. I hope it goes okay
Mom: Socks is a bit embarrassed that his coat is a little thin in places, so I said, "The future king of England has thinning hair!"
Socks: I am very busy with my HoP duties and try not to think about my coat too much. I am lucky to have the support of wonderful hamsters and people!
Don't be embarrassed little Sox, a bit of hair loss happens to the best of us!😃
Try and be nice to the vet, and I'm sure there will be plenty of treats for you when you get home.
I hope it goes well at the vets. I do think thinning hair tends to look more so on a black hamster somehow 😊. So maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. Let us know how you get on. Some hamsters will have a bit of a moult in summer as well. That’s only happened to me once and it was very worrying at first - Oickle looked very raggy with bald patches. I gave him linseeds and it was all grown back in a couple of weeks. He was about a year old at the time.
Thanks Maz, that is reassuring! I hope Socks follows Raffy's example and is calm with the vet. It does look raggy, poor Socks, and a bit itchy. I've changed the old bedding where he sleeps and sprayed a bit of permethrin under the bedding. Hopefully it's just a seasonal moult.
I’d be careful about spraying something in the cage to be honest. See what the vet says - if they suspect mites then it would need a full cage clean but I can’t see how spraying permethrin would improve anything really. And any residue may be not good for the hamster if it has an odour. Even if the hamster is unlikely to lick the bottom of the cage.
Hmm, it's not a very environmentally friendly substance either. Yes, it might make his skin worse.
I did Google it and they do sell a spray they say is for various pets including hamsters but the rule of thumb has always been not to have chemicals in the hamster cage. Even after cleaning with pet disinfectant it needs rinsing well to avoid odours.

How did it go at the vet’s today? If he ends up being given more treatment then he would need a cafe clean anyway and it could be washed off.