Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

He's gorgeous! He's looking extremely handsome and has grown :) I particularly like the first one. I reckon you should crop that a bit and enter it in the photo competition :)
Thank you! 📸🐹
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He's gorgeous! He's looking extremely handsome and has grown :) I particularly like the first one. I reckon you should crop that a bit and enter it in the photo competition :)
I'll ask Socks for permission 🐾
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Socks: I was rather pleased with my photos, although Mom apologised for the lack of resolution. She's so sweet, I never want to live with anyone else! ❤️👩 🏠. I haven't been out of my cage for the past couple of days. Sometimes I think I lay low if there is housekeeping going on. The good thing about the gin gins is Mom and I eat a lot more fresh salad than we used to 🥗
Mom: I set up the Songmics playpen with Sock's sandbath, tunnels and hides and cushions to hide him from the guinea pigs, but by bedtime there was no sign of Socks. I was relieved to hear him using his wheel a couple of hours later. It has become fairly easy to pick him up to do a health check and to weigh Socks, although he is still skittish in the day time.
Lovely update :-) It's great you can now pick him up to do a health check and weigh him.
Thank you! Sleeping in between the two cages can be strange, but nice, with the piggies making noises and chasing each other and then the sound of Socks speeding on his wheel with his feet pattering furiously.
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With all the fish gazing at us, we could be in the Amazon! 🦋🦜
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Socks: I felt like a nice sandbath so I signalled to Mom and she stopped sweeping and set up my play pen.
Mom: Socks could hear the guinea pigs nearby, but I used cushions to hide the play pen. He seemed to realise that he was safe and although he paused to listen to them, was able to continue with his sandbath and exercising.


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Ooh he's gorgeous! He's really grown. I inserted the photos full size as he is too gorgeous to miss :) Lovely seeing him in his sand bath as well. He's fast isn't he?
Thank you! They look nice full size 😍 He likes to race around. He still scent marks his tunnels by sliding through them upside down!
Thank you! They look nice full size 😍 He likes to race around. He still scent marks his tunnels by sliding through them upside down!
Funny little thing :-) Raffy used to do that a lot too. And a lot of sniffing and checking things out.
Oh, if we could smell and hear what they smell and hear!
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Socks: So, anyway, well, I rather fancied a sandbath last night, but unfortunately left it a bit too late (3am) and Mom was asleep. She did wake up and chatted to me through the bars, but was obviously not going to get up and set up my playpen at such a time. I did try various things, but even gazing wistfully through the bars, doing my best meerkatting didn't work.
Mom: I chatted to Socks and he stopped staring into space and hopped onto his wheel. I drifted off to the pleasant sound of scampering feet. Unfortunately a short while later Sock's wheel started clonking mysteriously, quite audibly. It didn't discourage him, in fact he seemed to be enjoying it even more. I managed a cursory examination in the dark, but could not fix the noisy wheel. I did get to sleep again, before long. I need to take a good look at Sock's wooden wheel and will report back!
Socks: So, anyway, well, I rather fancied a sandbath last night, but unfortunately left it a bit too late (3am) and Mom was asleep. She did wake up and chatted to me through the bars, but was obviously not going to get up and set up my playpen at such a time. I did try various things, but even gazing wistfully through the bars, doing my best meerkatting didn't work.
Mom: I chatted to Socks and he stopped staring into space and hopped onto his wheel. I drifted off to the pleasant sound of scampering feet. Unfortunately a short while later Sock's wheel started clonking mysteriously, quite audibly. It didn't discourage him, in fact he seemed to be enjoying it even more. I managed a cursory examination in the dark, but could not fix the noisy wheel. I did get to sleep again, before long. I need to take a good look at Sock's wooden wheel and will report back!
I don’t know Socks…keeping mum up late 💤
Socks: my timing was better last night...
Mom: I turned back my duvet and Socks came out, clearly keen on out of cage time!
Socks: I hope a nice sandbath and zoomed around my tunnels! The guinea pigs were nearby, but couldn't see me. Mom knew I wanted a run about, sometimes it's like she can read my mind!
Mom: I must update about Socks' wheel.