
His little legs going in his wheel :-) Thundering away. So nice to see! He really is looking very healthy and happy.
He does seem pretty happy, today he got up early and was bruxing up a storm. I decided to give him a special treat, and he liked it! Shared a bit of sour cream from my dinner with him.

Special Treat!
Henry was 1000% ready for good morning treats and an adventure... and I missed him. He waited for a whole 2 minutes, and is a bit mad at me now.

Henry is Let Down :(

I think this is what he has been trying to communicate with me recently though, Henry wants to go back to his regular approved human time. I've been too lax and the flying saucer hand will return to scheduled 9 pm landings.
Sometimes we're lucky we can't hear ultrasound 😄 (Come on Dad, where are you?)
Henry heard me leaving for work in the morning, and dug a hole under the food dish to sleep in. He will be ready and waiting for breakfast time, this one is super serious! I am going to spoil him as much as he wants.

Super Serious Breakfast
Jusst trying to catch up with watching Henry's videos :-) Back soon ........
Oh bless Henry, he really looks like he is looking for you. What a sweet little hammy.
He does, and when Im home he will chirp for me to come over then shows me what he wants:

Climbing on the log = treats & kisses in return
Sitting on top of the castle = adventure time
Pawing at the bin = couch time, IMMEDIATELY :ROFLMAO:
Haha that's brilliant, what a clever little guy. Great to see him in Super Serious Breakfast, it did look like important work!
Henry was 1000% ready for good morning treats and an adventure... and I missed him. He waited for a whole 2 minutes, and is a bit mad at me now.

Henry is Let Down :(

I think this is what he has been trying to communicate with me recently though, Henry wants to go back to his regular approved human time. I've been too lax and the flying saucer hand will return to scheduled 9 pm landings.
I love this! He's having such a great wash and then looks right at the camera and washes his ears :-)
I love this! He's having such a great wash and then looks right at the camera and washes his ears :)

He was giving me the cold shoulder a bit at breakfast. Woke up and stood there for almost a minute. I nudged the mealworms closer and he couldn't resist :D
No messing around! Love the way he kicks paper out behind him!