
She is really beautiful! And getting braver by the day. It's lovely you were able to hold her a bit. Where did you get the spiral type steps in the playpen from please?
Thanks Maz, I can’t remember where I got those stairs but this is the one, it doesn’t seem to be available many places now, I’ve had mine ages.

I think her favourites are macadamia & walnut (teeny pieces) & she enjoys her crocks too, she’s a total millet ninja I only give her a few inches cut off the spray & it just vanishes like magic!

I weighed her this morning & she’s 37g, I forgot to weigh her when she arrived so not sure how much she’s grown, quite a lot I think & that’s a good weight for her now.
I think her favourites are macadamia & walnut (teeny pieces) & she enjoys her crocks too, she’s a total millet ninja I only give her a few inches cut off the spray & it just vanishes like magic!

I weighed her this morning & she’s 37g, I forgot to weigh her when she arrived so not sure how much she’s grown, quite a lot I think & that’s a good weight for her now.

That's amazing, she's a nice healthy weight! Cutting it into parts is smart, do you freeze the rest until it's used?
Two lovely videos of Liriel! (Sorry I've been trying to add the accent on the e on my keyboard but can't seem to get it! I thought I had but it turned out to be a speck on the screen and not there at all!).

Anyway it is lovely to watch her - looking up at you the odd time, checking. And then zoom!
The speck on the screen made me laugh Maz, that’s the sort of thing I do too! Don’t worry about adding the accent.

She is fast but that’s probably medium speed, I have a lot of clips where she just zooms out of shot & I can’t keep up, I might be able to if I stood further back but then she’d be out of the door in a flash!
The speck on the screen made me laugh Maz, that’s the sort of thing I do too! Don’t worry about adding the accent.

She is fast but that’s probably medium speed, I have a lot of clips where she just zooms out of shot & I can’t keep up, I might be able to if I stood further back but then she’d be out of the door in a flash!
Aw thank you :)